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Posted on 2020-12-04 03:44:15 by tangerine

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Posted on 2020-12-22 05:44:34 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)

>In time, the mice grew their stores of grains beyond what they would ever need. They had forgotten how their forefathers once had to struggle to keep their food plentiful and safe.
>And as Nyctea withdrew, so he became nothing more than memory, a tale shared around burrow fires upon the Granting of the First Scythe.
>One young mouse called Acomys, many generations the son of Apodemus, had inherited the same fearless curiosity of his forebear.
>He lay awake at night and dreamed at what mysteries lay in the dark, that his father and his fathers before him had so feared, and so forbidden.
>He wondered why his fellows so frequently vanished into the dark without a trace, when they were so well prepared with tools to master it.
>So one day he and his companion Kivumys took up the enclave's finest tools. With protective cloaks and sharp blades of their reaping hooks at the ready, the two mice left the warrens and fields of home.
>They traveled in the shadow of clouds that obscured the moonlight, and went north into the broken lands, onto the tumbling rocks and strange scree at the base of the great stone mountain.
>It was here the voice came to them, whispering on the wind.

- Increased prevalence of agricultural technology may have reduced and even reversed some resource pressures. The overall effect would have been to increase the population's carrying capacity.
- This is consistent with other archaeotaxological records of pre-congrecene Myomorpha societies. As farming increased, so did family sizes, overall enclave sizes, individual lifespans, and to a certain extent, species ranges.

