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Posted on 2019-09-17 18:46:48 by silverchase

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Posted on 2019-09-17 18:46:58 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
>With a larger, more centralized rodent population in Zootopia developing, opportunities beyond just watchmaking began to develop. Other items with intricate parts, such as musical boxes, mechanical pencils, mechanical calculators, and even typewriters, saw manufacure in significant numbers by rodents and rodent-founded companies.
>However, despite Volex's legacy, the days for the company's factory in Little Rodentia would eventually prove to be numbered. While the new factory that began construction in Ratowice in 1974 was intended to be supplemental to the factory in Zootopia, the company reported significant financial issues the following year and announced it would undergo restructuring. That December, the company subsequently announced that their factory in Zootopia would cease operation, speculated as being largely from Zootopia's steep tax for smaller mammals. This decision was met with significant backlash from the community of Little Rodentia, and continues to be the source of controversy. While there were numerous attempts to preserve the entire complex after its closing, it eventually fell into disrepair. In 1994, all but the oldest factory building were demolished.
>Despite the fate of the Little Rodentia factory, Volex is still remembered largely for being the catalyst that created the district of Little Rodentia, and for ushering in an age where rodents would be renowned for intricate, precise machinery.
>Pictured: Two Volex executives announce the Sorella at an expo in Little Rodentia. Dated April 8, 1972.

