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Posted on 2018-12-18 04:02:20 by ForgetfulBadger

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Posted on 2018-12-18 04:03:34 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
>Seems like he only shows up on those old mud roads on the way to the train station...

>I heard that if a bunny tries to go alone by foot through the unlit stretches of that road, a tall figure will approach them.

>If that figure is a slender white fox, you have found Mr. Whitman.

>He'll will bend down to face them, and a raspy voice ask...

"What kind of mammal... am I?"

>If you answer "a Red fox", he will smile and continue on his way.

>But if you answer "an Arctic fox"...

"I look like one, don't I? I've grown old and grey..."

>He'll place both of his paws on your shoulders...

"I know just the way to be red again."

>And he'll push his clawed thumbs through your throat.

