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Posted on 2018-11-16 05:44:11 by ForgetfulBadger

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Posted on 2018-11-16 05:49:15 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
The Bomber by Lulu + Maned_Wolf

>The warthog leaned in and sniffed at her coat. "I don't smell any truffles on you."
>Judy smiled and said, "Ah'd be a fool if I brought 'em with me, the smell would give me away. I'm just takin' orders, cash on delivery."
>He smiled back insincerely, without any warmth. "So, what brought you here, specifically?"
>She casually shrugged. "Ah heard some pigs moved in, and y'all are usually our best customers."
>After stepping back into the doorway, the warthog waved her in. "Alright, come on in."
>He pushed the door shut behind her. "Wait here, and don't touch nothing, I'm gonna get the rest of the boys."
>The warthog opened the door to the warehouse itself slightly. "Hey boys, take a break and come in the office! A truffle seller is here!"
>Four pigs trickled into the office one by one, and the last pushed the door to the warehouse shut behind him, while eyeing the stranger in the office.
>As Judy was rattling off every kind of truffle she could think of, she heard the sound of a plastic sheet being sliced coming from inside the warehouse.
>She continued without missing a beat, and hoped that only her ears were sensitive enough to have noticed.

