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Posted on 2018-11-16 05:43:22 by ForgetfulBadger

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Posted on 2018-11-16 05:48:34 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
The Bomber by Lulu and Maned_wolf

>Judy climbed down from the dumpster, then pushed the duffel bag out of sight behind it.
>Nick whispered "Good luck," to Judy, then leaned up against the wall of the warehouse.
>She replied "Thanks, you too," then walked off as casually as she could manage, down the side of the warehouse, and around to the small office attached to the front.
>He began pretending to watch the traffic on the river, but he kept his ears to the building.
>After taking a deep breath, Judy knocked on the door, which quickly answered by an angry disheveled-looking warthog.
>He glared down at her. "What do you want, rabbit?"
>In her best country accent, she replied, "Whoa now, I ain't here to cause ya trouble... I got somethin' I think a fine fella' like you would appreciate."
>The warthog's angry expression softened "...go on."
>Using what she knew of pigs, which was mostly stereotypes, Judy improvised.
>"I got the finest black truffles in the whole tri-burrow area, straight from Bunnyburrow."
>With a wink, she added, "Course, I also got many other kinds. Rare kinds that you ain't ever gonna see in regulah markets."

