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Posted on 2018-11-16 05:42:48 by ForgetfulBadger

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Posted on 2018-11-16 05:47:55 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
The Bomber Part 3 by Lulu and Maned_wolf

>With the duffel bag over her shoulder, Judy led the way down to the waterfront, and from there to the back of the warehouse.
>The windows were too high up to peer into, so Nick carefully climbed onto a dumpster for a better look.
>He found that a black plastic sheet had been hung up in front of them, to keep out both prying eyes and the wind.
>Where a pane was missing, he put an ear to the plastic for a few moments, then sniffed at the gap between it and the window frame.
>Judy quietly climbed up after him, and he whispered into her ear, "There's definitely a couple pigs in there, and I heard what sounded like a plastic bag of powder being poured."
>After giving the window a good sniff as well, she whispered back, "I know that smell... fertilizer. That's ammonium nitrate!"
>The fox nodded. "I smelled oil too, so it seems that Honey was right, they are building a bomb. Do you think this is enough to get backup?"
>She shook her head. "No, we're gonna need visual confirmation and details, or they won't authorize anything."
>"Well, we can't just pry open a window without the pigs noticing, we need to clear the warehouse first."
>Judy patted the crouching fox's shoulder. "I'll handle the distraction, you wait here until they've cleared out of the warehouse, then slip in for a look."

