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Posted on 2018-11-16 05:42:14 by ForgetfulBadger

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Posted on 2018-11-16 05:47:17 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
The Bomber Part 3 by Lulu + Maned_wolf

>"Dispatch, this is Officer Hopps, I have a promising lead on The Bomber, and I'm requesting backup to investigate, over."
>After a few moments of silence, she heard a crackly reply from the speaker.
>"No can do, Hopps, we've got a hundred other 'promising leads' to look into. Plus with protecting downtown and keeping the collar protest contained, we just don't have resources to spare."
>Exasperated, Judy put her free paw up in the air. "Never mind then, I'll investigate this one myself!"
>She stuffed the radio back into the duffel bag. "Are you two up for this?"
>Finnick spoke up first, "Hell no! I'm not risking my life for you! I drove Nick here as a favor."
>In a serious voice, Nick answered, "I'm in. I get the feeling all preds are going to suffer if another bombing is blamed on us."
>The fennec fox banged his head on the steering wheel. "Ugh. Fine, you guilt tripping asshole, I'll drive you there, but that's it!"

