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Posted on 2018-08-19 09:52:01 by ForgetfulBadger

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Posted on 2018-08-19 09:52:15 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
>"And what happened to all his fur?" asked his teacher.
>Tommy thought, puffing out his cheeks. The young raccoon studied his own drawing for a few seconds.
>"He never uses shampoo," he decided. "'Cuz it takes forever to get out when he takes a bath, so all his fur got dirty and broke off."
>Ms. Stampton made a small humming sound, the same one she used when kids got the answer waaaaay wrong on the whiteboard.
>"Interesting. And what about all those scars? Does he fight lots of monsters?"
>Tommy shook his head.
>"Nah, they're from his surgeries. His heart goes funny sometimes so the doctors have to fix him."
>Tommy ran a finger over his own scars through his shirt. His tummy still felt weird after being shaved, but it was itching less, so that was good.
>Ms. Stampton put a hoof on his shoulder and smiled.
>"Good to know there are still doctors after the world ends. Staying healthy is important."
>Tommy nodded, and pointed to one of the bulging muscles in the warrior's arm.
>"And he's so strong he can throw the ball further than a fifth grader."
>Ms. Stampton laughed, the sweet deer scratching the back of his head.
>"Have you named him yet?" she asked.
>"Uh huh," Tommy said, smiling. "He's Barbaraccoon."
>"That's a clever name, Tommy," Ms. Stampton said. "Why don't you head out for lunch? I'm sure your friends are waiting for you."
>Tommy deflated, dropping his pencil.
>"Mom and dad said I have to wait another week before I can play around and stuff. They don't want me to hafta go back."
>Ms. Stampton kneeled down and picked up his ruler and pencil
>"Do you want to draw together, then?" she asked.
>Tommy's eyes lit up.
>"Yeah! This is gonna be awesome!"

