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Posted on 2018-08-16 04:02:40 by ForgetfulBadger

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Posted on 2018-08-16 04:03:38 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
>Fin took long, messy gulps. Beer ran snail trails down his muzzle, dripping onto his shorts. He set the tankard down with a harsh clank.
>Nick peered into the cup. Half empty already.
>"Third rule," the fennec slurred, swiping his paw over the counter. "Unlimited hustling privileges. Total immunity. You and that bunny just keep on driving when you see my van, aright?"
>Nick smirked, taking a sip of his own drink. Ginger beer.
>Fin held up his paw, leaning hard on the counter.
>"Fourse rule. You do NOT hook up with that rabbit. No matter what. She's trouble if I've ever seen it," he said, jamming his thumb into his chest. "And I've seen trouble."
>Nick coughed into his cup. Finnick's eyes became slits before widening in drunken disbelief. The small mammal leapt up, wobbling as the swivel chair turned under his paws.
>"Oh my God, slick. When? When did you two do the humpty dumpty? You can't be serious. No. No no no. I refuse."
>Nick's paw landed on the fox's head, shoving him back down in his seat. He leaned in close, shoving a finger to his lips.
>"Fin, do you have any idea how loud you are? And yes, we hooked up, but I swear it was just a one-time thing."
>"One-time thing my ass, Wilde," he said, cackling at the defeated look on his face. "A bootleg on your stroller, and now a bootleg on your poor wittle heart!"
>Nick sighed, ordering another round as the small fox slapped the table, howling with laughter.
>It was going to be a long night.

By P&P

