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Posted on 2018-06-23 08:49:23 by ForgetfulBadger

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Posted on 2018-06-23 08:49:38 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
>Occupying a small unkempt lot in the Tundratown borough of Goatshorn, right on the periphery of Zootopia, is the fittingly named Goatshorn Stone.

>Decorated in distinctly carved runes, the stone appears to show a prey and predator species (in this case a stag and a wolf) together holding a tree beneath a dawning sun – a motif commonly found on artifacts dating back millennia to the time when predator and prey peacefully settled together in the region of what is now Zootopia.

>While its exact origins are not known for certain, the stone has nonetheless been the object of much superstition and folklore of the local population for centuries, much of which has centred on macabre and occult practices including secret society rituals and mammal sacrifices taking place there, although no reliable evidence for such practices has been found.

>One prominent folktale describes the stone as the site of ancient springtime mammal sacrifice to ensure a good harvest – and by extension a continued peace between predator and prey – lest starvation during winter months force predators to eat their prey brethren.

>This tale gained renewed notoriety with a string of unsolved mammal disappearances in Goatshorn several decades ago, spawning an urban legend that the missing mammals had been the victims of sacrifice at the stone, either by ancient spirits or an as-of unknown secret society continuing the practice. To this day in Tundratown, mammals that get lost or go missing are sometimes euphemistically described as ‘visiting the Goatshorn Stone’.

