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Posted on 2018-04-18 06:46:40 by ForgetfulBadger

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Posted on 2018-04-18 06:54:04 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
In the center you’ll find perfumes, scented like plants, foods, and various environments. Due to the average sense of smell being fairly sensitive, these perfumes tend to be not as strong as one might expect. You wouldn’t want to overpower the nose of the one you’re trying to impress after all!

They have shampoos and conditioners for all types of furs: short, long, coarse, wool, you name it! You’ll feel silky smooth after using any one of these products! They’re also all scented. Cover up any musky odors and feel great in just two steps! Afterwards, when your fur is nice and soft, keep it in place with your choice of gel!

The more adventurous types might find themselves drawn to the various fur dyes. A heavy investment for anything more than simple colorings, some mammals find fur dye as a way to stick out among the crowd and as a way of expressing themselves! However, less agreeable mammals might consider it tacky and impractical.

You’ll also find a nice range of eye-related products, from eyeliner and eye shadow to eyelash extensions. If you’re looking to wow someone with your predatory gaze, then this is a good place to start!

In a similar category to the dyes you can also find, as the store’s name implies, various paints for spot and stripe touchups. Notice a blatant asymmetry in your spot pattern? Perhaps one of your stripes isn’t as striking as it could be? That’s where these products come in, turning anyone’s coat into a masterpiece anyone would want on their shoulders!

There are also a variety of important tools for application and day-to-day maintenance: claw trimmers, fur brushes, brushes for applying makeup, and much more! You’ll just have to stop on by to see it all!

Oh! What’s this? It would seem that Mr. Zauana is currently hiring! How exciting! Who’s to say what kind of mammals are to respond to such a post-

