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Posted on 2024-08-06 08:19:43 by ikillangelss

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4 comments (0 hidden)

Posted on 2024-08-06 08:20:56 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Reported)
and those are known antisonicfags too worthless angloid faggots

Posted on 2024-08-06 08:22:04 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Reported)
BlackbusterCritic's Luv Sayaka from Ape Escape 3

In the early 2010s, BlackbusterCritic was a well-known YouTuber who garnered a large following by criticizing poorly-made games and defending beloved franchises. His rants were legendary, filled with passion and rage that resonated with his audience. One day, he stumbled upon a game he had never played before: Ape Escape 3. The game featured a character named Sayaka, a cheerful and energetic girl who captured his interest.

As BlackbusterCritic delved deeper into the game, he found himself strangely drawn to Sayaka. Her bright personality and unwavering determination seemed to call out to him. He began to obsess over her, spending hours playing the game just to hear her voice and watch her movements.

One night, after a particularly long gaming session, BlackbusterCritic received a mysterious package in the mail. It was an unmarked disc with a note attached: "For the true fan of Sayaka." Intrigued, he inserted the disc into his console. The screen flickered, and a distorted version of Ape Escape 3 loaded up. Everything seemed normal at first, but as he played, he noticed subtle changes. Sayaka's voice was different, almost whispering to him, and her eyes seemed to follow his every move.

As the game progressed, it became darker and more twisted. Sayaka's cheerful demeanor began to fade, replaced by a haunting sadness. The other characters in the game started to act aggressively towards her, and the once vibrant world of Ape Escape 3 became a nightmarish landscape.

BlackbusterCritic couldn't tear himself away from the screen. He felt a strange connection to Sayaka, as if she was reaching out to him for help. He played for hours, desperately trying to save her from the horrors unfolding in the game. But no matter what he did, the game always ended the same way: with Sayaka trapped in a dark, empty void, her eyes pleading for salvation.

Haunted by the experience, BlackbusterCritic tried to find out more about the mysterious disc. He searched online forums, contacted other fans of the game, and even reached out to the developers, but no one had ever heard of such a version of Ape Escape 3. The more he searched, the more he realized that the disc was meant for him and him alone.

One night, he awoke to the sound of whispering. He followed the voices to his gaming room, where the console had turned on by itself. The screen displayed a message: "Join me, BlackbusterCritic. Save me." Without thinking, he picked up the controller and started playing again.

This time, the game was different. Sayaka's voice was clearer, more urgent. "You have to help me," she said. "I'm trapped. You have to come to me." BlackbusterCritic played on, driven by an overwhelming desire to save her. As he progressed, the game world began to merge with reality. Shadows crept out of the screen, and the room grew colder.

In the final moments of the game, Sayaka reached out to him. "You have to come to me," she repeated. "Only you can save me." Without hesitation, BlackbusterCritic reached out and touched the screen.

The world went dark.

When his friends and family tried to reach him the next day, they found his gaming room empty. The console was on, displaying the same dark void where Sayaka had been trapped. BlackbusterCritic was never seen again.

Some say that he succeeded in saving Sayaka, joining her in the digital world. Others believe that he was consumed by the game, trapped forever in the void. To this day, the mysterious disc remains missing, and BlackbusterCritic's channel remains silent, a chilling reminder of the dangers of obsession.

Posted on 2024-08-06 08:24:19 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)

The way white Angloids engage in casual treachery makes me angrier than anything else in the world......
8:23 PM · Aug 5, 2024

Posted on 2024-08-06 08:27:39 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
the hatedom killer is based on traits of the ku klux klan, bur like to refer himself as "su sux sand"

