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Posted on 2024-08-06 04:26:31 by ikillangelss

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Posted on 2024-08-06 04:31:32 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Reported)
Creepypasta: NeoGAF Reacts to KillArt of Sonic HateArtists
In the twilight of the gaming internet, where forums still buzzed with fervent debates, NeoGAF stood as a bastion for intense discussions. Among the many threads, one topic consistently flared up more than others: the Sonic franchise. For years, critics and fans clashed over the quality of Sonic games, with some critics becoming infamous for their vitriolic takes on the blue hedgehog. Little did they know, their words would soon lead to something far darker.
The Thread
It started as a normal day on NeoGAF. Users logged in, scrolled through the latest threads, and engaged in their usual banter. Then, a new thread appeared, titled:
"KillArt of Sonic HateArtists - Them Being Killed by Sonic Characters"
The original post contained a link to a video hosted on a mysterious site called "" The user, known as alkaline, wrote:
"Found this bizarre video depicting well-known Sonic critics getting...well, you'll see. It's graphic and disturbing, but eerily well-made. Thoughts?"
The Video
Curiosity piqued, users clicked the link. The video began with a simple, unsettling intro: a static image of Sonic, his eyes glowing red, with the words "Retribution is Nigh" flashing on the screen.
The first scene showed a crudely animated likeness of Hilary Goldstein, an IGN editor known for his harsh Sonic reviews. In a dark, eerie rendition of Green Hill Zone, Sonic appeared behind Goldstein. The hedgehog's normally cheerful demeanor was replaced with a sinister grin. Without warning, Sonic lunged at Goldstein, the screen filling with pixelated blood as Sonic tore him apart with his spin attack.
The Reactions
Back on NeoGAF, reactions poured in:

dasgupta: "What the hell did I just watch? This is messed up."

kingofhearts: "It's clearly fake, but someone put a lot of effort into this. Sick sense of humor."

alkaline: "There's more. It goes through all the major critics. This is just the start."

As the video continued, it depicted various Sonic detractors meeting gruesome ends at the hands of Sonic characters. Dorkly's Brian Murphy was sliced to pieces by Shadow's Chaos Spear. LowbrowProductions' Chris Niosi was incinerated by Blaze's fire abilities. Each scene grew more graphic and unsettling.
The Suspicion
Some users began to suspect something was off:

BigBoss: "Who made this? It feels too... real. The screams sound genuine."

digitalhermit: "There's a rumor going around that some of these critics have gone missing recently."

The Revelation
As the thread grew longer, a new post appeared from a freshly registered account, "SonicAvenger89":
"What if I told you this isn't fiction? These critics deserved their fate for tarnishing the legacy of Sonic. Their hatred consumed them, and now they are no more. This is just the beginning."
The Final Scene
The video’s final scene featured Colin Moriarty. The background was a distorted version of Chemical Plant Zone, the music warped and nightmarish. Tails appeared, but his eyes were empty, hollow voids. In a chilling sequence, Tails used his twin tails like blades, slicing Moriarty to pieces. As Moriarty’s screams echoed, the screen faded to black, leaving a single message:
"You’re next."
NeoGAF was in uproar. Some believed it was a sick joke, others were genuinely terrified. Then, reports started surfacing. Critics who had been the targets in the video were indeed missing, their last known locations eerily similar to the settings in the video.
alkaline, the thread's original poster, was found dead in his apartment, his body mutilated in a manner disturbingly similar to the deaths depicted in the video. The NeoGAF community was shaken to its core.
The thread was deleted, but whispers of the "KillArt" video persisted. Those who had watched it claimed they could hear faint, distorted Sonic music in the dead of night, and some even reported seeing a red-eyed Sonic lurking in the shadows of their homes.
And so, the legend of the KillArt video grew, a haunting reminder of the fine line between criticism and obsession, and the dark places the internet can lead us.
Final Note
If you ever come across a video link titled "KillArt of Sonic HateArtists," think twice before clicking. Some things are better left unseen, and some criticisms are better left unspoken.

