Fri, Jan 25 '13, 08:15
Apparently Henshin-san came back...
And promptly quit again. From what I could gather from the brief time the thread was up on Sleepychan, Henshin-san had been submitting stuff as an Anonymous and got banned from Sleepychan for some reason, and he got pissed about it and wrote a nasty message to Sleepy and said he was quitting again.

For those of you who don't know, Henshin-san submitted a whole bunch of stuff (mostly bimbofication) on Hypnochan, but he quit shortly before it died.
Fri, Jan 25 '13, 10:08

I'll betcha no one told him of the booru, either. Damnit.

What did he do to get banned? XD
Fri, Jan 25 '13, 20:57
he was being a pompous assmunch and insulting sleepymaid

apparnently the last straw was calling sleepymaid retarded

the admins were not amused by how full of himself he was either, acting like he was a celebrity and that they made a powerful enemy

he gave the same rant in the irc channel too and got banned from there too
Fri, Jan 25 '13, 21:10
Doesn't much sound like the Henshin-san from hypnochan. He was generally respectful and polite, and hardly let all the power go to his head. I call shenanigans.

Did he post anything concrete to show that he was Henshin-san, or did he just use the name?
Fri, Jan 25 '13, 21:40
Vanndril said:
Doesn't much sound like the Henshin-san from hypnochan. He was generally respectful and polite, and hardly let all the power go to his head. I call shenanigans.

No, that sounds about right, really. Henshin was very opinionated, as I recall. I believe it was him who often ranted about artists charging for their work and insisting that everything on the internet had no monetary value and therefore should be free. I could be wrong, but I can't exactly go back to Hypnochan to confirm.

I can't remember if he ever directly insulted anyone, but it doesn't seem impossible.
Sat, Jan 26 '13, 05:48
I feel bad for forgetting. Which one was Henshin again? Link to their contributions?
Sat, Jan 26 '13, 07:16
^ All of Henshin-san's stuff that was uploaded to E-Hentai (not sure how much of his work wasn't posted there). The vast majority of it was bimbofication stuff. He also did some manips in addition to his 3D Custom Girl work.

A few of his things were posted here, including one manip:;s=list&tags=henshin*
Sun, Jan 27 '13, 01:25
Mindwipe said:
No, that sounds about right, really. Henshin was very opinionated, as I recall. I believe it was him who often ranted about artists charging for their work and insisting that everything on the internet had no monetary value and therefore should be free. I could be wrong, but I can't exactly go back to Hypnochan to confirm.

While true, I'm also a very opinionated person who argues for what he believes in, and I'm a damned polite person most of the time. :P

I specifically remember one time when Henshin-san was being bombarded with flame posts by people who disliked his work. I also seem to remember him handling it calmly and respectfully, as though to avoid further issues. It was because of how he was handling that that I grew to respect him at all and went into the conversation in his defense. I don't specifically remember him ever actually getting on someone's case about anything, so he couldn't have been that bad.

My reasoning is that anyone on the site can use the name, and there are far more trolls that ARE NOT Henshin-san than there are Henshin-sans, so, given available information, there's more of a chance that it wasn't him than that it was.

It still may or may not have been him, though. I just find it a little hard to believe - though at the same time, I'm only getting one side of the story, and only from hearsay.
Mon, Jan 28 '13, 05:49
Ahh 3D Custom Girl. This decade's version of Poser.

Never can tell who does those things and really they have a habit of blurring together

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