Mon, Jan 14 '13, 10:23
Hypnofetish blog ideas?
So, let's say, completely hypothetically, that a certain member of this site was considering creating a hypnofetish blog that did more than just link new releases, and instead focused on various aspects of the fetish and the community (hopefully presenting them in a way that is entertaining to read and possibly listen to). What would you like to see in it? What sort of topics would you like to see covered? What general ideas would you have for it?

And keep in mind that this is all totally hypothetical.
Mon, Jan 14 '13, 10:24
Totally. Hypothetical.
Totally, you know. Just totally.

Anyway, yeah, I'm curious, too. Artist/Community Member interviews, maybe?
Tue, Jan 15 '13, 04:04
...Nobody else?

I ask, because I'd want this to be something that people other than myself would be interested in.
Tue, Jan 15 '13, 04:43
Well I wasn't gonna say anything but... How about some fun interesting facts about hypnosis, brainwashing and mind control. Like how hypnosis isn't particularly recommended for those under 14 or it's mysterious effects on those in a comma.

Also, if you could get some of the Japanese-speaking members involved (like sctoagn) I would appreciate that. I miss the reviews of various upcoming manga, doujin, and eroge games. I remember that some of what sctoagn reviewed wasn't even available on exhentai.

That's about all I can think of for now. I hope it helps.
Tue, Jan 15 '13, 09:59
Lost+Name said:
Well I wasn't gonna say anything but... How about some fun interesting facts about hypnosis, brainwashing and mind control. Like how hypnosis isn't particularly recommended for those under 14 or it's mysterious effects on those in a comma.

Also, if you could get some of the Japanese-speaking members involved (like sctoagn) I would appreciate that. I miss the reviews of various upcoming manga, doujin, and eroge games. I remember that some of what sctoagn reviewed wasn't even available on exhentai.

That's about all I can think of for now. I hope it helps.

I'm not sure how well I could do on the first suggestion. I know this is blasphemy to a lot of people in this fetish, but I don't usually find the technical aspects and practical applications of hypnosis very interesting. I don't look up anything relating to hypnosis unless I think I can fap to it. It's not a bad idea, I just think I'd do a lousy job of writing about it, since my focus is on the fetishistic aspect. Unless I maybe dropped some random trivia into a few articles. Hmm...

The second idea, I'm totally down with, but it takes things out of my hands a bit. I'd love to have community help with this and have members contribute to it, but that's obviously dependent upon their willingness to do so. I could do reviews of manga/doujinshi that I've read and enjoyed (or really hated, for the hilarity factor), but that's about it.

Let me say a little bit more about what I was thinking of for this project. Basically, every... let's say week, I would pick a topic and write an article on it. This topic could be for any of various different things involving hypnofetishism: a certain aspect of it, one of the subfetishes in it, aspects of its community, a look at mind control in various media, all sorts of stuff. I'd also possibly record an mp3 version of the article for a podcast sort of deal (because if I'm not even using Sony Vegas to edit mp3s, then why the fuck do I even have it?). Of course, this is all only if others would be interested in it. If no one likes the idea, then I'll just forget about it. If people ARE interested in the idea, then I'll give it a go, and maybe it could become an extension of this site.
Tue, Jan 15 '13, 14:17
I say do it.
First off, forget about whether or not peopole may possibly be interested or not. It's something -YOU- want to do, so do it. It's not going to hurt anyone, after all, if you do it.

Anyway, I still say do it. I think it'd be interesting to read, definitely, and I liked the suggestion of the community member based articles [like about a specific person, Sleepymaid for instance]. It would give the community a chance to learn about someone they may possibly like, or may not have known existed =)
Tue, Jan 15 '13, 19:39
I certainly like the idea and would love to do what I can to assist. Heaven knows I have a lot to give this community but so little much more than a wordy set of fingers to type forever and ever.

I like the interview chat idea.
Wed, Jan 16 '13, 01:38
Lunakiri said:
I say do it.
First off, forget about whether or not people may possibly be interested or not. It's something -YOU- want to do, so do it. It's not going to hurt anyone, after all, if you do it.

True, but I'm not lying when I say that my own desire to do this kind of hinges on community interest. I've done small projects for myself before, and they can be enjoyable for a while, but they tend to lose their luster (manips excluded... mostly). But if even a few people think they'd check it out (and it seems like that is the case), then I'll feel more motivated.

bellchan said:
I certainly like the idea and would love to do what I can to assist. Heaven knows I have a lot to give this community but so little much more than a wordy set of fingers to type forever and ever.

I may take you up on that offer. After all, I can likely only rant about so much for so long. It certainly wouldn't hurt to have more than just myself contributing. Like I said before, I'd love to have other members of the community contribute. It's an idea I'll be thinking about some more as I continue planning this out.

And it seems like people are really into the idea of interviews. I guess I have no other choice than to seriously consider that idea (I'm so decisive!).
Sat, Jan 19 '13, 10:39
Make something that you like making. This can be writing stories, manipping, ranting about the subject, etc.

If it catches on and it's not something you like doing, it would be no fun. So try making what you like - if people start commenting and wanting more, it'd better be on something you like doing.
Sat, Jan 19 '13, 23:10
You're right, I should make things that I like. It's why I don't just manip every mildly erotic pic I come across anymore. My main problem now is just a lack of ideas. That's why I'm looking for ideas on what people would like to see. I obviously can't promise to cover everything people bring up, but if something jumps out at me as a fun topic, I'll do it.

And if this catches on, and others decide that they'd like to get on board, they can cover the topics I'm unwilling/unable to. Of course, since I haven't even started on any of this yet, that's still completely hypothetical.
Sat, Jan 26 '13, 10:53
I just wanted to say that I've decided to go through with this. No ETA yet. I'm still coming up with ideas for my first topic.

Also, my hope for this project is to get the community involved in writing articles for it. If enough people become interested in it, I'll post an email address where users can send me articles to submit to the blog (I will probably ask them to send me their idea first, so I can approve it). With any luck, we can have a community-driven blog for hypnofetishists, by hypnofetishists.
Sat, Jan 26 '13, 20:47
I'd be more than happy to help write articles. What kinds of things are you hoping to cover?
Sat, Jan 26 '13, 21:28
Vorp said:
I'd be more than happy to help write articles. What kinds of things are you hoping to cover?

Well, that's kinda why I asked for ideas earlier. ^^;

But, really, there are all sorts of possibilities. Anything to do with hypnofetishism could be covered. Whether it be examining a certain sub-fetish of it, or a personal favorite aspect of it, reviews for hypnofetish materials (like h-games, mangas, etc.), a look at the hypnofetish community... Any manner of things, really. Those in the art or manipping community could write how-to guides, if they like. Vanndril and I have joked about writing rants about things we don't like, like bad manips and badly-acted hypnosis porn (which we probably will end up writing, because such things are often entertaining to read).

I guess the short answer is: whatever you want to cover would be fine, so long as it can be tied to this fetish in some way.
Sun, Jan 27 '13, 19:08
What about one post per sub-fetish?

So the idea would be to post commentary about the different sub-fetishes and why they're appealing, with prime examples of each in combination with MC (such as BDSM, robots, etc. all the way through more specific things like helmets or injections). Illustrated of course!
Sun, Jan 27 '13, 19:49
I can support S_C's idea. :P
Although Mindwipe knows full well about my obsession with logic and reasoning behind fetishes.
Sun, Jan 27 '13, 21:00
Vanndril said:
I can support S_C's idea. :P

Well, duh. I'm pretty sure we've discussed that exact thing before. >.>

Stem_Cell said:
What about one post per sub-fetish?

So the idea would be to post commentary about the different sub-fetishes and why they're appealing, with prime examples of each in combination with MC (such as BDSM, robots, etc. all the way through more specific things like helmets or injections). Illustrated of course!

It would definitely be one per sub-fetish. I want to stretch the material out. Doing one post full of sub-fetishes would drastically cut the reserve. As for illustrating... I'm not sure. I may just cop out and put something at the end of the article like "to see examples of [sub-fetish] with MC, go to hypno.booru.org and search for [tag]." I may include illustrations, but if I point to a certain pic in the article, it'll be fun to think of a way to dance around that for the audio version (I've decided I want to try that too).
Fri, Feb 01 '13, 08:15
I do think that it would be much prettier to read if you just had images floating along the text. Otherwise it's risky to get into wall-o-text territory. IMHO.
Fri, Feb 01 '13, 17:34
The question is how easy it would be to get the art to go in to the blog. You'd need someone willing to put new stuff in there... otherwise you'll have to search the blog for the best examples.

It's a nice idea and if it works out it'll be great. But the focus should be the journal content.
Fri, Feb 01 '13, 21:35
Both good points. I definitely do want the focus to be on the written content, since the booru exists for pics, but pics really do help break up text. I'll weigh my options once I start designing the blog.

As of right now, I'm finishing writing the blog's introduction. Immediately after that, I'll write what will be the blog's first article (to be posted the same day the blog goes up). Then, I plan on recording and editing an MP3 of myself reading the article and introduction to get a feel for how that will work and sound. After all that's done, I'll start work on the blog itself (and hopefully that won't take too long).

I can't really give a solid estimate on how long all that will take, but I'll be conservative and say the end of this month is probably the very earliest that it'll be ready.

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