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Posted on 2013-06-06 22:07:33 by Mindwipe

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5 comments (0 hidden)

Posted on 2013-06-07 01:17:37 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
...dammit, this is hot. This would've been perfect. *blushes*

Posted on 2013-06-07 02:23:14 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
From a passing glance, this really looked like Violet from Sound Horizon's Roman. Not really when looking with any detail, but I'm still saddened. Hmm...

Posted on 2013-06-07 09:40:09 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
Aaaaaaaand this pic is seriously making me question if I like dolls.... since it's a gorgeous pic [artstyle mostly], and she looks like a freaking doll, moreso than you commonly find here. Just.. just... hrm.....

Either way... wait... waitwaitwait...
How... the hell... is that Collette? It looks nothing like her.... ><
Doesn't even have her choker. Just the blonde hair and what one could argue are generic wings.

Posted on 2013-06-07 19:40:48 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
You can tell it's Colette by the hair and wings. You can't exactly go by the clothes, since this is a corruption pic with a new "evil" costume. That, and the artist says it's Colette on pixiv ;) (he also says something about making her look like a doll, so you were spot-on there).

Posted on 2013-06-08 22:35:53 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
... Uhh... hrm... still doesn't look like Collette to me. //shrugs.

