Sun, Jan 13 '13, 23:40
Hypnosis Stories Recommendations
...I'm looking for stories about hypnosis or mind-control maybe brainwashing from the perspective of mainly the one being put under. Preferably one with a twist and a light-hearted feel. I'm not apposed to stories with darker elements, just nothing too severe.

Mon, Jan 14 '13, 01:38
Sara H's stories fit that description to a tee. Her stories almost exclusively focus on the sub, and the way they describe what it feels like going under - resisting at first, but eventually caving in to the overwhelming pleasure - is just impossibly hot. In particular, I'd reccomend Circumstantial Goddess. It's a short one, but it's sexy as hell and has a great twist.

Here's a link to all of her stuff:
Mon, Jan 14 '13, 07:39
Probably a silly question, but gender preference on the one being put under?
Mon, Jan 14 '13, 16:01
Vanndril said:
Probably a silly question, but gender preference on the one being put under?

Female. Not a silly question at all. I'm also mostly interested in stories with a hypnosis induction.
Mon, Jan 14 '13, 19:51
It's not really dark...but not really light either. It involves a bit of complete NTR. It's chemical-based control. It's COMPLETELY in the perspective of the female. It's quite the unique one.

Tue, Feb 05 '13, 23:10
Think I'll bump this cause the forums are so slow.
Tue, Feb 05 '13, 23:16
In all honesty, I keep meaning to save links to all the better stories I've found, but I never seem to remember.

One of these days, I'll have links to dump. Until then...
Wed, Feb 06 '13, 00:04
I know what you mean. I go on mcstories all the time and I never really remeber to save any of it so its a pain to find it. Although I do remember some story names. One thing on mcstories is easy induction which involves surprise inductions using breasts. That was a good read.

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