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Posted on 2013-05-19 08:01:15 by Vanndril

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6 comments (0 hidden)

Posted on 2013-05-19 21:00:56 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
Yo, Vanndril. Where are the images you've been dumping lately coming from? They're not manips, are they? I ask because I don't think I've seen most of them before and, well, I think I've gone through every picture tagged on Pixiv with 催眠 or 洗脳 at least twice and every one with 悪堕ち at least once :/

Posted on 2013-05-19 21:56:13 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
Vanndril's a porn hoarder. He's probably had these for years. :P

And he probably got more than a few of them by searching レイプ目 on Pixiv.

Posted on 2013-05-20 00:19:00 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
Some of them are manips, but most of them aren't (to my knowledge) manips. I don't take down notes as to sources of images when I download them, I just drain the site of images that appeal to me and move on.

This one in particular, I can tell you (due to the filename) that it WAS from pixiv. The artist has since removed his gallery (it was part of a sequence and I went to double check that I didn't miss anything from it when I posted this...) and is no longer found there. I find this happens a LOT, so...

Mindwipe said:
Vanndril's a porn hoarder. He's probably had these for years. :P

Quoted for truth. If you don't count any of my doujinshi or CG sets from artists/games, and JUST count my scattered one-shot images, I have (estimated) 12,300 images that, in my opinion, portray some level of MC or Hypnosis. And that's EXCLUDING just about everything from deviantart, minus about a hundred images, since I don't generally search there, thus only downloading what is linked to me.

Now, I WON'T be posting ALL of them here. A good 30% of it is too loli, another 20% are just not high enough quality for me to take the effort to post (hey, I'm lazy), and a good 20% of them I'd have trouble arguing as MC/Hypnosis aside from empty eyes (generally look more like mind break via rape due to tears and a broken smile), so I won't post them. That leaves approximately a third my collection of scattered one-shots and incomplete sequences (only incomplete if the rest didn't resemble MC at all) post-worthy, but a fair chunk of THAT has already been posted, or are subtly crappy manips (as Mindwipe found and informed me, a few of my posts were deleted by me when he showed me that) from unknown people.

I sorted through a large chunk of my collection recently, looking for post-worthy pics. Currently, I have a list of around 1400 images that I want to upload to the booru over time, as to now drown out anyone else's posts. I'm still sorting though, and some may already be uploaded or are crappy manips in disguise, so that number is bound to change.

Afterward, I have a slight backup of manips to post (I'm keeping them hostage to force myself to post everything else I have first). Then, all that said and done, I'll probably post the stuff of...lesser quality, little by little here and there.

As an aside, I'm being extra strict with the quality of what I added to my "to post" list because I also don't want to completely dry up potential new content, as I want others to have the chance to post. :P

Anyway, this show was brought to you by our mean, this rant should give you a good idea of where I'm at with my porn collection in relation to the booru, and give a good idea of how much crap I have. XD

Mindwipe said:
And he probably got more than a few of them by searching レイプ目 on Pixiv.

*whistles innocently*

Posted on 2013-05-20 21:56:27 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
That's one hell of a response :p
Also, that's a lot of pictures. I had probably 10000 porn images total when I lost my HDD, and maybe 10% of them were solidly hypnosis. I have about 500 I'd like to post now, but I didn't want to flood too much and, well, I got tired of tagging T_T

In any case, I look forwards to seeing what else you've got, especially the manips. I lost a lot of stuff from Hypnochan with my hard drive.

Posted on 2013-05-20 22:46:33 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
I don't get how you can stand having that many pictures. I have... 76. And I'm already annoyed by how cluttered the collection is.

Maybe I'm just a compulsive porn purger. I go through and remove anything I only saved on a passing fancy or which I've lost interest in.

Posted on 2013-05-21 00:43:28 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
I'm one beast of an organizer (OCD ftw!). I have folders, sub folders, sub folders inside sub folders, and more layers of sub folders. That way, I can more or less find what I want when I want it, despite the huge number of files.

I have so much stuff that I'm honestly considering hosting a booru locally for my PC just so I can tag shit.

petal said:
That's one hell of a response :p

Yeah, every time I thought I said enough, I realized I wanted to expand on some aspect of it. It just became a behemoth of a comment.

Don't even get me started on my TOTAL porn count. *shivers*

