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Posted on 2013-05-17 13:26:18 by EdgeOfTheMoon

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3 comments (0 hidden)

Posted on 2013-05-17 22:14:55 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
Oooo, you found your way here, eh Edge?
I spotted some of your new anime manips over on the collective a week or so ago (the ones you posted here).

Some of 'em are pretty cool. I do wish you'd clean the eyes a little more, though. It would make 'em all the better. :3

I do love some of your text, btw.

Posted on 2013-05-17 23:05:50 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
Thanks Vanndril :-). Any advice on the eyes?

Posted on 2013-05-18 06:13:07 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
Any advice on the eyes?

Of course. :P

The main problem I see with your anime manip's eyes are that they're often...jagged-looking around the borders of spirals and whatnot.

For this pic in particular, the borders of the eye (in the inside of the eye) are jagged due to the whitewashing. Your best bet would be to smooth those with a smudge tool (at ~30% rate) in either Photoshop or GIMP (free). The other inconsistency in this pic is the "shade" near to top of the inside of each eye. It's broken about halfway through on both eyes. Mending the breaks should result in a smooth bridge of "shade", and better quality eyes.

When you add spirals or whatnot, and the jagged borders I mentioned happen, and if there's no option for antialiasing them (which you could do if you were making GIMP spirals, but those are limited to simple designs), then you should lightly run over the borders with a very small brush sized smudge tool, at around 30% rate.

If you're emptying eyes and the transition between colors/shades need to be smoothed out a bit, once again, the smudge tool at ~30% rate would help.

Did I mention the smudge tool, yet? :P
It's honestly my fix-all tool. It really helps make things look...cleaner, by smoothing them out.

Anyway, I know the way I explained all this is confusing, so if you need further clarification, just ask.

