Sat, Dec 29 '12, 19:03
Methods of induction
So. Very soon I am going to get a sketch session (which will be posted afterwards) where I can randomly roll 3 D10s and get DomCharacter, SubCharacter, Induction Method and then that sketch will exist. Repeat for an hour or two.

I'm trying to set up the induction methods available.

Right now I have:

1. Music
2. Magic
3. Technology
4. Eye Fixation
5. pendulum/pocket watch
6. Enchanted Jewelery

Anyone have any suggestions for the other slots? This is for visual enjoyment so I want to make them broad enough for be interpret but specific enough to cover all the bases. Opinions?
Sat, Dec 29 '12, 19:43
I can maybe think of a few that aren't *necessarily* listed here (though some could technically fit into one of those categories).

Hypnotic eyes
Hypnotic gas/smoke/fragrance
Hypnotic elixir/love potion
Headphones (could fall into both tech and music)
Spiral on a screen, disc, whatever (could fall into both tech and eye fixation)

...I had a few more when I started typing, and now I can't remember them. =/
Sat, Dec 29 '12, 22:22
bellchan said:
[...]I can randomly roll 3 D10s and get DomCharacter, SubCharacter, Induction Method and then that sketch will exist.

I wish it were that easy. XD

I, for one, would change Enchanted Jewelry into Enchanted Clothing/Accessories. Opens up a much more broad range of possibilities while still being specific enough to where anyone would know what you mean.

As for what Mindwipe mentioned...Hypnotic Eyes...wouldn't that fit under Eye Fixation, or am I misunderstanding that one? Do you LITERALLY mean fixating the eyes in one position, or having them be fixated on a single point in space (ie staring at television)?

Hypnotic Gas and Hypnotic Elixir are good. Though you may wish to combine the two into Hypnotic Drug, if you decide to use them.

I wouldn't use headphones. That's too specific, and, as mentioned, can already fall into two of the criteria. Similarly with the disc, spiral on screen, etc. suggestion.

I'd say add Corruption to the list, but it's more a description of the outcome of control, more than an induction method. Fits under Magic, anyhow. Let's see...

Ah! Rather than including Love Potion in the Hypnotic Drug thing I mentioned, I'd probably separate it from them into it's own Love Drug category, because it's an entirely different beast.

I dunno what else you could honestly add. I think we covered nearly every angle. You might need to be a little LESS broad to fit them into 10. XD
Sun, Dec 30 '12, 00:24
Vanndril said:
As for what Mindwipe mentioned...Hypnotic Eyes...wouldn't that fit under Eye Fixation, or am I misunderstanding that one?

I took eye fixation to mean focusing on a specific thing, like a finger or a candle or whatever. But maybe I misunderstood too.

Example of what I thought it meant:
Sun, Dec 30 '12, 08:05
Could be either or, which is why I asked. XD
Sun, Dec 30 '12, 15:06
possession, telepathy, drugs
Sun, Jan 06 '13, 04:46
Sketch session is happening tonight. Will post results later.

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