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Posted on 2012-08-26 03:49:46 by sctoagn

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Posted on 2012-08-26 03:54:19 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
Crude manip I did. Feel free to try your own hand at this if you like. The source is Noraneko Koubou's HCG set Sou Iu Koto. It's a continuation of his ToLoveRu (and now ToLoveRu Darkness) series of HCG sets featuring the corruption of Golden Darkness. In previous sets he's looked at other characters like Mikan; in this set the star of the show was Tearju, Yami's creator.

The person pictured above *is* Tearju, not Golden Darkness. However, since this is a version with her eyes recolored (by the artist, not by me) as red rather than their canon green, you could opt to perceive it as what Yami will look like once she's grown up, assuming her growth is the same as her clone-mother's. Thus I've tagged it both as Tearju as well as as Adult Yami. (While they may look similar, this is not, I repeat, not Fate Testarossa from Nanoha!)

