Tue, Dec 18 '12, 17:45
Hypbook and Hypno-fetish


Just wondering how many members here are aware of the existence of these two sites.
Tue, Dec 18 '12, 19:43
I think I *vaguely* recall hearing of hypno-fetish elsewhere.

What exactly are they? Just hangouts? I see hypno-fetish has a "gallery", but it requires a log-in, and I don't feel like registering for a site I know nothing about.
Tue, Dec 18 '12, 23:42
Lol, hypbook is a facebook for hypnofetishists? XD
I honestly never heard of it.

Mindwipe said:
I think I *vaguely* recall hearing of hypno-fetish elsewhere.

Yeah, from me. I mentioned it once, in passing. The gallery is nothing special. Just a bunch of custom user-galleries - most not porn. The ones that are porn are nothing that can't be found easily elsewhere. I searched the entire gallery recently, and found nothing new.

Thu, Feb 07 '13, 22:22
I'm thinking of making a group on these sites for the booru. Any objections?
Thu, Feb 07 '13, 22:48
I'm a member of hypbook. Don't often hang out but it is a nice enough community. If I catch anyone from here over there I'll say "hi!"
Fri, Feb 08 '13, 03:28
Feel free, MMD.

Yep, back to calling you that again, because I can. :P

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