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Posted on 2013-03-18 19:21:05 by petal

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8 comments (0 hidden)

Posted on 2013-03-19 00:15:37 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
...what is this from?

Posted on 2013-03-19 01:20:24 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
Pretty sure it's just a random Pixiv image sequence.

Posted on 2013-03-19 02:10:54 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
The Pixiv tags seem to confirm that this is the artist's OC, named "Angelite Lion" (according to Google Translate, anyway).

Also, this is the same character from this sequence:

Posted on 2013-03-19 03:04:01 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
That's pretty cool. I have no idea where the Angelite is coming from, it looks like Ange Lion to me.
By the way, should we start tagging images containing characters who are definitely OCs with "original" like most other boorus do? I've been wanting to and keep forgetting about it.

Posted on 2013-03-19 03:18:13 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
I'm not sure where "Angelite" is coming from, either. I checked the katakana against my chart, and "Ange Lion" (or "Angel Lion") is what it looked like to me too (the translator on the kimohiko pics used "Engelion"). But, in the second pic in that kimohiko sequence, she cries out for someone named "Sapphire". Angelite, according to Google, is a trade name for a type of anhydrite mineral marketed as a gemstone. So, I don't know who's right. The katakana doesn't match "Angelite", but it's similarity to Sapphire seems like less than a coincidence.

As for the more important part of your post, Vanndril and I never used the "original" tag because we never saw much point. Who searches for OCs? It's the same reason we never used "1girl, 2girls, etc." If there's a good reason to use it, though, of course we can start adding it. Would take a while to go through everything, though.

Posted on 2013-03-19 03:28:39 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
Checked the Danbooru post and the translator has 12000 note edits, so I think he/she probably knows better than me. It's probably just something the artist thought sounded cool.
The original thing is not really intended for searching, I don't think. It's more like, if somebody finds a picture and wants to know who the character is, the original tag saves them the trouble of asking/going on a wild goose chase trying to figure it out. That way only one person has to figure out that it's an OC, not everyone who ever looks at the picture and wants to know who the character is. Also, if you particularly like an original character I guess you can look and see if the artist has more.

Posted on 2013-03-19 03:43:54 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
That's a reasonable argument. I suppose there's no reason we can't start using it.

Posted on 2013-03-19 22:41:24 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
That's a good point. Back when we were designing tags, we focused on optimizing them for searching, so that sort of thin never really crossed our minds.

That "original" tag has my support.

