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Posted on 2013-03-17 22:10:11 by Hypnomangaeditor

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5 comments (0 hidden)

Posted on 2013-03-17 22:14:16 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
The first part can be found here: You may want to look at it first.

Many thanks to Lost+Name for the great cooperation in getting this Manip as good as it can be.

Posted on 2013-03-17 23:19:03 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
more humilation wetting but less pee drinking

either way its what you want in it however a very good pic.

Posted on 2013-03-18 12:23:27 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
I'm also not necessarily a fan of pee drinking but hey, this is pretty fucking hot! At first I thought it was some manga with a bizarre layout.

I have to say that due to the bizarre layout it is hard to know if it is to be read western-style (left to right) or eastern-style (right to left).

Posted on 2013-03-18 20:52:35 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
The Pictures should speak for itself - reading it from right to left (manga-style) is correct. But I guess the Big text boxes in the second row probably are a little too much.

To be honest I am more of a Story writer than an Image Editor. It's often hard to get the stories projected into the readers mind as I intend them to be - especially when not drawing myself and using pieces of a manga. I like to do a little explanation and going into detail what happens to the victim, what she is to become. I want the readers to slowly imagine just what kind of girl will emerge after the change.

Then I use the second half of the manip to make it more graphical. This one has the most rows in it so far - all my other manga's had 3 to 4 rows while this one had 5 (I count the big hypnosis explanation boxes as row 2, including the image above/below it). I could have easily made this a 2 Page Manip by extending the explanation part with 1-2 more images and dividing the text between them (to make it easier and more relaxing to read), then add maybe one more scene at the bottom, maybe extending the last picture to 2 pictures and making it a group picture with Kirisaki and some classmates.

But to absolutely honest, this manip, like the others, already took a shitload of time. I rewrote the text multiple times, changed the last bit of the story a little, changed the punchline in the last picture (The first one wasn't that good) and there's still more. I am sure I could work another 10 hours on it to make it look even better, but I want to get the pictures out to you guys.

So please give me your honest opinion - even if you are normally just browsing as anonymous (allthough I strongly encourage you to become a part of this community and register, we won't bite), just write a comment and tell me if you liked it and which part of it was good and which wasn't.

Posted on 2013-03-20 02:53:44 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
I loved the previous comic too, especially the dazed bed wettings (in general). This one's urine topic is a bit much, but still really good all the same!!! Nice work!

