Sat, Dec 08 '12, 22:43
Ideas for hypnosis
What are some ideas for hypnosis. I mean like triggers, actions, or just random things for the person to do
Sun, Dec 09 '12, 08:49
I sort of like persona-switching/multiple personalities, especially when they're radically different from each other. Bimbos, slave-girls, even animals (usually a cat for some reason). Some stories work best with one persona knowing what she did as the other persona, some work best with all personae oblivious. As for triggers, stating the name of the other persona usually works best IMO. Especially if there's more than one "alternate."

I also like when women are trained to orgasm on command. Maybe combine this one and the alternate persona idea so she cums hard then switches to the new persona when it's over.

Sun, Dec 09 '12, 20:11
Yeah, the persona idea, in recent years, has become interesting to me, too.

For practical applications, it would allow the dom to fuck around with that persona as much as they want, without any real negative impact on the sub. I think this causes a guilt-free control, which is one of its charms.

That, and the idea of being able to change someone so drastically (or in some cases, subtly) in but the sounding of a name or small phrase gives an AWESOME feeling of complete control.

But as far as what this thread is about, there are always the classics: orgasm control, the linking of genitalia and another body part (such as the palm of the hand), acting like an animal, strip-dancing, triggered action*, mental voiding**, mild or extreme behavior modification (a sort of offshoot of triggers, really - you just change how the sub reacts to certain things), etc.

* - Trigger word/trigger situations which cause the sub to commit an out-of-the-ordinary act, either while realizing it and not having control over her body, realizing it and convincing herself that it's normal, or not realizing it at all. A classic example would be, "When I snap my fingers, you will remove one piece of clothing."

** - Odd phrasing, I know, but I don't know what else to call it. This is the process of voiding the mind of thought and emotion. It's thought control of a sort, with the ultimate goal being the sub's mind becoming COMPLETELY empty of everything except the dom's words.
Mon, Dec 10 '12, 03:15
Generally, I like anything involving any sort of technology, be it some sci-fi machine, some drug or injection, some brain surgery or implant, etc. I know that's more "mind control" than "hypnosis", but it's what turns me on mostly, mind control :P

From there, one thing I like is "personality modification", that is, to change bits of how she thinks and mold her like putty, but still having she behave "freely" according to that persona. For example, decide what she wants, but let her get it by herself. Such as having her have an urge to please you, but not making that easy, to see her put an effort on it.

Oh, and intelligence reduction, increased sexuality, things like that are also nice.

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