Wed, Aug 29 '12, 01:39
Don't Forget to Vote!!!
Just reminding everyone not forget to rate the pictures on the site with the plus or minus options next to the word "score" on the top left corner over an image. It let's the posters know what the people like. I for one am interested to see what pictures get the higher ratings. ; )
Wed, Aug 29 '12, 02:47
I actually wish we didn't have a rating system. It's too easily abused. Voting up isn't necessarily bad, but voting down...I don't like it at all.

So, if you vote, only vote up, please. If you don't like a pic, just move on.
Wed, Aug 29 '12, 03:09
If it's easily abused, then it's worthless. All it takes is one bad apple to upvote his preferred picture 1,000 times for the system to lose all significance. For instance, say 99% of people not are neutral towards but actually dislike this one image. But say the person who uploaded it upvotes it enough times to put it in 1st place. Then it sends the wrong message both to the regular users of the site as well as to newcomers.
Wed, Aug 29 '12, 03:30
sctoagn said:
If it's easily abused, then it's worthless. All it takes is one bad apple to upvote his preferred picture 1,000 times for the system to lose all significance. For instance, say 99% of people not are neutral towards but actually dislike this one image. But say the person who uploaded it upvotes it enough times to put it in 1st place. Then it sends the wrong message both to the regular users of the site as well as to newcomers.

Which is exactly why I wish we didn't have it. We DO, at least, have it set so that anonymous users cannot vote. If we could do the same thing for registered users, I would.

Also, am I just dense, or is there no way to tell at a glance what pics have high scores? I don't see an option for that anywhere. I've only been able to see scores by clicking on the pics. It seems to me that the easiest way to see what pics people like is to check the "Comments" section and the "Everyone's Favorites" section under "My Account". (Or is that an admin-only thing? I forget.)

Edit: You can see the scores by hovering your cursor over the pic, but still, that would take forever if you want a good idea of what's popular.
Wed, Aug 29 '12, 03:36
I didn't really think of it like that. I just tried what sctoagn was talking about and fortunately it is NOT possible to vote more than once. (Unless you make a bunch of new accounts, I suppose. I just really hope no one is lame enough to do that.)

I also hope that there aren't any vote-downs. If a pic is violating the site rules just leave it to the mods to get it. This site moves at about the same pace as Hypnochan so new posts ARE noticed, more often than not.
Wed, Aug 29 '12, 03:46
Well, that's good news. So it's no AS easily abused as I thought.
Wed, Aug 29 '12, 03:54
No, but what you've found it would take to abuse the system is actually what I still had in mind. Call me paranoid, but I think someone who wants to troll the system would not hold back getting a bunch of different IPs, registering a different account to each one, and upvoting the target picture one troll account at a time. It's unfortunate but easily-abused voting systems are of course the least trustworthy, rendering what could have been a fun feature completely meaningless. I'm sure most people would like to believe that if a picture they love is king of the hill then the upvotes were mostly legitimate whereas if a picture they find disgusting is ranked #1 then surely it must be the result of illicit voting. The inability to trust in the authenticity of the votes when the votes support pictures you personally dislike is what kills the feature.
Fri, Aug 31 '12, 00:15
Voting. ALl that. Yeah. W/e.

More to my reason for posting... *stares at Mindwipe's quote* Fucking...
Back to the CSS sometime to fix that. XD

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