Thu, Dec 06 '12, 07:29
Pokemon Domination
Hello all. I have only recently joined the hypno/MC community, but but there was one story that really got me hooked. In it, Ash accidentally captures Misty in a pokeball, but quickly takes advantage of the control he now has over her, as she will obey him as much as any other pokemon. Sadly, I have no idea where i saw this, so any help finding said story would be most appreciated.
Thu, Dec 06 '12, 08:04
I know what you're talking about. It was linked to on Hypnochan, and I believe the author himself was a channer. Wasn't a fan of it myself (not really into humiliation) but the Pokemon thread really loved it.

Unfortunately, I don't have the link. I believe it was hosted on some adult fanfiction site, if that helps.
Thu, Dec 06 '12, 16:12
Thu, Dec 06 '12, 19:29
Close, all that I remember form the particular one I am looking for is that he accidentally captures her while she is in a tent, and it has almost nothing to do with any actual pokemon.
Thu, Jan 03 '13, 07:23
The story's "I Caught a Misty" here http://anime.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600053423

Very tangentially related but does anyone have the image where gardevoir lures you out, shows that she's a trap and the hyps you into a blissful little slave? kicking myself for not saving it.

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