Tue, Dec 04 '12, 07:29
Commissions =)
Also... <-- Commissions I do will be listed there =)

I like to show my sketches and wips off as I work on them. therefore, if you do NOT want me to show it off to a few friends of mine as I work on it for second opinions, TELL ME UPFRONT.
Otherwise, I will be, by default, showing it to friends as I go.

Figured there was no harm in posting this here. Is there?

Prices are COMPLETELY negotiable.

More will come as I finish more =)

Prices ::
-Default is halfbody or so-
Quickie - $2 USD
Lined - $3 USD
Lineless - $5 USD

If you think I'm overcharging, please lemme know =) I'm willing to work on it =)
Tue, Dec 04 '12, 09:19
Can you give more information on what you mean by lined and lineless? Maybe point out examples? You know, for those of us less savvy with this kind of thing. :P

I've NEVER commissioned anything, at all. But for a price like this, you make it tempting. XD

What are your limits? Any sort of situations/fetishes you won't include? Do these commissions include fanart of characters from games/anime/books/whatever, or is it only OCs?
Tue, Dec 04 '12, 09:24
I... thought lined and lineless would be obvious.
There's something that is lined [the black lines], and lineless [no black lines]. I ... honestly thought that was obvious XDDD

And limits? Errr..... that... I don't know? I'll try anything once =)
Tue, Dec 04 '12, 09:43
Lunakiri said:
I... thought lined and lineless would be obvious.
There's something that is lined [the black lines], and lineless [no black lines]. I ... honestly thought that was obvious XDDD

Not really. I didn't know what it meant at first, either. XD
Tue, Dec 04 '12, 09:52
I totally don't see how that can be lost on anyone.
There are lineless samples [most of them, actually]
and a lined sample, that is obviously lined.
I seriously don't see how that is something that people can't figure out themselves....
Maybe I give everyone too much credit...? I honestly thought that was just... obvious..
[I don't mean to insult anyone, so I am sorry if I do. I'm just... I don't see how that wasn't obvious. It was to me. But then again, maybe I just see/view/think of things differently than everyone else...? I have no idea]
Tue, Dec 04 '12, 10:13
I think what makes it confusing is that whether or not it's lined or not is the basis on which you decided cost. XD Makes people think it's more than just that.

I'll definitely consider commissioning you, because I think your prices are a serious steal (as in, good and low :P). This would be a first for me, as I'm usually blown away by insane prices whenever I look at the cost of most artists. o.O

Hopefully I'll have an answer sometime tomorrow.

And a question: If I were to commission a piece of fanart of a specific character from a series, what sorts of things would you need from me? Maybe reference pics for the characters looks, or something?

Mindwipe said:
Well, I know the term "line art", so I suppose I should've understood what you meant on some level. But I rarely see pics that don't use outlines, so the concept of a "lineless" pic threw my brain for a loop. Obviously, I understand it now that you've clarified and posted samples.

That too. XD
Tue, Dec 04 '12, 10:14
Well, I know the term "line art", so I suppose I should've understood what you meant on some level. But I rarely see pics that don't use outlines, so the concept of a "lineless" pic threw my brain for a loop. Obviously, I understand it now that you've clarified and posted samples.
Tue, Dec 04 '12, 11:55
The samples were there from the start XD

But alright, fair enough. I'm trying to improve my lineless art, since I think that may be the best way for me to go art wise.

Vanndril, obviously references, both for the character/s AND pose if you have a specfic pose in mind [unless it's a 'hey, I just want him/her on her knees' or something vague as all hell like that].
In the long run, personality and such doesn't really matter, since it'll just be what you want, as opposed to what they would legitly do is all. I guess that would be a good way to explain it.

Regardless. Character references and pose if specific.
Taht's about it.
Tue, Dec 04 '12, 14:51
Awesome, I'll give it some thought throughout the day, as I get the chance.

If I have any specific ideas, you'll be the first to know. ;)
Tue, Dec 04 '12, 22:00
I'm mostly sure that I'm going to commission you, and I have a pretty good idea of what I want. Now, I'm just tying up some loose ends and finding reference pics.

Is there a way you prefer I contact you? These forums, maybe an email address?

How do you take payment? Do you use paypal?

And a more general question not specifically meant for Lunakiri: Isn't there a way to use paypal to transfer money directly from the bank account hooked onto the paypal account and a recipient? Because if there isn't, I'm going to need to wait those crappy 3-5 days for the money to go in. XD
Tue, Dec 04 '12, 23:15
A Credit Card or a debit card is the only way, I think, to get it instant.
I dunno though.

Now, yes to paypal.
If you have MSN, Skype, or YiM, that's preferential for contact [I"m CONSTANTLY online XD]
MSN :: [email protected]
Skype :: Dezzi.rae
YiM :: [email protected]
[No, I don't have a problem with having my emails on here]

References, I can work with vague references if need be. Just... in doing that I get some artistic creativity XD Lol.
Wed, Dec 05 '12, 05:04
Those are some crazy affordable prices, Lunakiri. O.O
Think I'll toss a commission your way. Just sent you an email.
Wed, Dec 05 '12, 08:40
I may throw you a commission as well. I have at least one idea in mind. I'm not committed yet, but at those prices, it's kinda hard to refuse.
Wed, Dec 05 '12, 11:14
Vorp :: Replied to your email earlier.
Mindwipe :: Well, if you -do- commission me, I look forward to doing it =D

Hey.. Vann!
When you get a chance, hop on skype for a minute. I want to know if there's anything in particular you want me to do with her arms. I know what you said you wanted her to do... but... erm... Just having both hands on her breasts is kinda... blah... really. I think. Or maybe I"m just failing with the pose XD Lol. Regardless! Lemme know, please?

Also... for anyone, is there a PM system or what-have-you here?
Wed, Dec 05 '12, 15:31
Unfortunately, I don't believe so.

Sent you the follow-up email btw.
Wed, Dec 05 '12, 22:03
No, there's no PM system here. =/

Anyway, I'm pretty much certain that I'm going to commission you. In fact, I may make more than one. I just need to decide on exactly what it is I want.
Wed, Dec 05 '12, 22:24
Damn. That wuold make it so much easier if there was XD

And alright then =)
You can get ahold of me via one of the messengers I left a few posts up.
Sun, Dec 09 '12, 10:58
Just thought I'd say that I am still accepting commissions =)

Also, Vann, as I work on yours [next week, once I replace my tablet], would you like to see in progress shots, or do you care?
//thinks she's asked before but can't honestly recall
Sun, Dec 09 '12, 10:59
Progress shots are nice. Helps me have some input, I suppose.
So sure, why not.
Sun, Dec 09 '12, 11:02
Wow... totally didn't expect something so quick for a reply.

And alright then. got an email I can send them to? Since I'd rather wait until I have the finished image to post here and you aren't on skype all that much XD lol.
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