Mon, Dec 03 '12, 00:50
Anime Chat [Originally about Heaven's Lost Property. Derailed to general anime XD]
Just go check it out.
Should be something that members of this site will enjoy =DD
Mon, Dec 03 '12, 01:46
Why did you have to remind me that season 2 hasn't been released on blu-ray yet?!

Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh! T_T
Mon, Dec 03 '12, 02:49
Sowwy =(
I have the second set on preorder for when it IS released this coming summer XD
Mon, Dec 03 '12, 03:07
Lunakiri said:
Sowwy =(
I have the second sec on preorder for when it IS released this coming summer XD

I just hope that confirms it really IS coming. It seems bizarre to me that a release date would be announced so far in advance. I've had season 1 since January, and not having season 2 bugs the hell outta me.

Anyway, for those of you wondering just what the fuck we're rambling about:

Japanese name: Sora no Otoshimono. You can see brief descriptions on both sites. The second will also let you watch all the episodes subbed or the first two dubbed (I'm sure there are other places you can view them, but that's the official English site).

There's no MC in it that I've seen thus far (I stopped watching season 1 when I heard season 2 would be DVD-only), but it basically revolves around an angel slave girl, and there's a LOT of "Yes, Master" and the like.
Mon, Dec 03 '12, 06:46
Well my fiancee and I preordered it, and the store owner said that it was to be released this June... I think. As far as I know, it'll be a DVD+Bluray combo too.
Mon, Dec 03 '12, 07:23
Lunakiri said:
Well my fiancee and I preordered it, and the store owner said that it was to be released this June... I think. As far as I know, it'll be a DVD+Bluray combo too.

June 25, 2013 is the date that lists for it (it only lists it as a Blu-ray release, but it would almost certainly be a combo). It was listed as coming this month at first, but that was apparently based purely on a rumor. I'm just hoping that this new listing isn't just a rumor as well, since I really want to continue watching it, and refuse to settle for the DVD version. (Unless Funimation outright says that a Blu-ray version won't be coming. Then I'd probably cave in and get the DVDs... But I'd be pissed about it! :P)

All the griping aside, I really did like what I saw of it (I think the first 9 eps). It's cute, quirky, funny, perverted, and surprisingly engaging. Plus, those with a slave fetish will likely adore Ikaros. Especially with lines like "Master, please give a command. Give me any order that will please you." ♥
Mon, Dec 03 '12, 08:39
Lack of MC makes me wary... but I could go for a slave orientated series.
Mon, Dec 03 '12, 08:51
One of my favorite anime series of all time. It's everything Mindwipe described before, AND it has a plot (albeit SLOWLY revealed).

Patiently awaiting Season 3 to be released in Japan so I can watch the subs. :D

Yay for Crunchyroll!
Mon, Dec 03 '12, 09:20
"I am a Pet Class Angeloid. My type is Alpha, Ikaros. My purpose is to fulfill your every want and desire. You are my master."


bellchan said:
Lack of MC makes me wary... but I could go for a slave orientated series.

I'm not sure I'd go as far as to call it "slave oriented". I mean, Ikaros *is* something of a slave girl, she does call Tomoki "Master", and does whatever he asks (often to hilarious effect), but that's not all there is to the series. While a lot of the first season revolves around mishaps created by Ikaros' wish-granting, there is a plot hidden underneath all the craziness. Obviously, I can't comment too much on it, given how little I've seen of the series (and I wouldn't want to give anything away, anyway), but believe me when I say it's not all wacky, panty-related hijinks (did I mention most of the wishes involve panties?). It's just an all-around crazy series with some interesting twists thrown in that keep it from being all silliness, all the time. The slave part is just one element of the tale.

All that said, if you're curious, check it out. I'm a "try before you buy" person, myself, and I committed myself to purchasing the series after seeing the first 2 eps (now if only the last 12 would come out on Blu-ray >_<).

Vanndril said:
Patiently awaiting Season 3 to be released in Japan so I can watch the dubs. :D

lol, Vanndril made a goof. XD

That said, I do watch dubs, and I rather like this one. Particularly, as you can tell, Ikaros' quotes in the English version. I should also mention that Ikaros speaks in monotone most of the time. So those of you who like that sort of thing that.
Mon, Dec 03 '12, 20:01
Ok you guys are making me want to check it out. But it really seems terribly generic at a glance. Also, thanks for mentioning that she has a monotone voice, that might be cool (gotta check how well dubbed it is...)
Mon, Dec 03 '12, 21:20
Did I mention Tomoki has her strip in the first episode? *nosebleed*

Stem_Cell said:
Ok you guys are making me want to check it out. But it really seems terribly generic at a glance.

I agree, it does. In fact, I only bought it because I found it funny. I really wasn't expecting much of a plot. But I think it's the kind of series that, if you give it a chance, you won't regret it. Like Vanndril pointed out, the plot is revealed SLOWLY. I think the first indication that it's anything more than a comedy/ecchi anime comes 8 episodes into the first season. If you're allergic to crazy bullshit, or if you just prefer your anime to be more fast-paced and to the point, it may not be your thing.

Also, thanks for mentioning that she has a monotone voice, that might be cool (gotta check how well dubbed it is...)

Well, I've seen dub skeptics call it "not bad". That's gotta be saying something, right? :P

But I've been looking for an excuse to do this, so... *puts on reviewer cap*
I wouldn't call it "the greatest dub Funimation has ever produced" or anything, but it's no slouch. Brittney Karbowski provides the voice of the aforementioned "Pet Class" Angeloid, Ikaros. Her voice is emotionless by design (revealed why later), but she does a great job, regardless. It helps that her voice in monotone manages to sound very sexy. Greg Ayres provides the voice of her adolescent master, Tomoki. His voice may put some people off as it's raspy and a bit squeaky. If you've seen the Fullmetal Alchemist dub, think Ed, but more nasally. That said, I think it makes his character all the funnier, whether he's being perverted or lamenting the crazy mess he's gotten himself into. Trina Nishimura and Kara Edwards both deliver spectacular performances. The first as Tomoki's childhood friend, Sohara, and the second as the young-looking Angeloid, Nymph. I'd say that those two were the stand-out performances for me.

I'd ramble on, but it's always best to judge for yourself. Plus, I'm sure no one signed on to this site to see me review dubbed anime. ;)
Mon, Dec 03 '12, 23:30
Mindwipe said:
Vanndril said:
Patiently awaiting Season 3 to be released in Japan so I can watch the dubs. :D

lol, Vanndril made a goof. XD

Why you editing the quotes, Mindwipe? :P

In any case, it certainly does look generic. Let me tell you something. I HATE generic. With flaming passions of fiery fire. I still LOVED this anime. I've not seen another anime quite like it.
Tue, Dec 04 '12, 06:47
Right off the hop, I'll tell you it's NOT generic.
It's rather ... honestly? It's rather original in and of itself.

Also, my fiancee and I ordered it solely because of the fact that it's Funimation [that has to count for something! XD]. Both of us love it. Ikaros and Nymph are just awesome, although the whole ordeal regarding Nymph at the end of the first season is actually rather sad =(

I don't know what happens next, but I've seen the entire first season, including the unaired episode 'Project Pink'. It's well well well well WELL worth the money!

Now to wait for Season two! I want it to be the summer already!!! XD
Tue, Dec 04 '12, 08:32
Lunakiri said:
Also, my fiancee and I ordered it solely because of the fact that it's Funimation [that has to count for something! XD].

Wow, really? Just because it was a Funimation release? XD That's kinda hardcore, in a way.

Of course, most of the anime I own are Funimation-licensed titles, and I have 3 more of their releases on the way as early Christmas presents (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Complete Collection 1&2 Blu-ray, and Steins;Gate Part 2 Blu-ray/DVD combo), so I guess I can understand the loyalty. I still wouldn't purchase an anime I was totally unfamiliar with without sampling it a bit, though. Of course, my definition of "a bit" is often "very little". I actually only watched one episode of Steins;Gate before committing to buy it, but some of that was due to Vanndril's insistence XD (and the fact that the dub is SPECTACULAR).

As for HLP, I may as well go ahead and watch all of season 1. All this talk of it has made me want to finish it. Plus, I just finished watching all of Sekirei, and season 2 of that ends in one big setup for a third season. I figure since I may be waiting forever for THAT, waiting for a Blu-ray release of HLP: Forte may not be so bad.
Tue, Dec 04 '12, 08:55
Lmao. I have both the original FMA anime and Brotherhood. I love the series.

And yeah, I can see where you're coming from, and Rosario is a perfect lesson in that, but then again, Funimation generally only puts out worthwhile series.
Tue, Dec 04 '12, 10:01
Lunakiri said:
Lmao. I have both the original FMA anime and Brotherhood. I love the series.

I LOVED the original when I watched it on Adult Swim. I've only seen the first few episodes of Brotherhood. I kept forgetting when it was on, and before I knew it, I missed a whole bunch of episodes. >.> But since the general consensus is that it's better than the original, I'm sure I won't regret my purchase (and Amazon is having a huge sale on Funimation stuff right now, so I got it cheap, anyway XD).

And yeah, I can see where you're coming from, and Rosario is a perfect lesson in that, but then again, Funimation generally only puts out worthwhile series.

Well, they release anime that sells (usually). Whether or not that translates to "worthwhile" is purely a matter of personal taste. ;)

I mean, there's an astounding amount of people out there who LOVE the Rosario+Vampire anime. Taste is an odd thing. In any case, I'm always keeping an eye out on what Funimation has licensed, since they're usually my first stop when looking for new anime, and I'm looking forward to watching Brotherhood and Steins;Gate in full. (This is kinda morphing into a general anime thread now, isn't it? But I don't care, because WE'RE HAVING CONVERSATION ON THE BOORU! :D)
Tue, Dec 04 '12, 11:59
General anime thread GO! XD

And I have never heard of Steins;Gate, so I'll have to look that up later =D

I LOVE Brotherhood. Although I think it kinda drags at a couple of points DX Overall, it's better. Definitely. Most of the personalities are pretty damn close to the same [in my opinion], so the original anime didn't fuck it up too much.
Granted, I haven't read the manga..... >>

The Rosario anime is good.
AS LONG AS you do NOT look at it as the Manga series turned anime. All it is is a a fanfiction that SOMEhow got officialized. That is it. It's not really based on the manga series all that much. [I mean come on, Tsukune becoming a ghoul was pretty freaking big in the manga. WHY THE FUCK WAS IT NOT IN THE ANIME!?!?!?!?!]

A couple other Anime's I like [random, I know XD]
Rozen Maiden [LOVE IT. It's so cute at points, and Shinku is just adorable] and Elfen LIed.

Oh, and Excel Saga. I need a good dose of crack every so often after all XDDDD Lol.
Tue, Dec 04 '12, 21:55
If you liked Excel Saga, you should check out Gintama. I don't know if it's been dubbed at all, but if you don't mind subs, it has subs.

Gintama - crude, unfiltered, gritty, absolutely hilarious, and at times, completely fucked up (in hilarious ways). One of the biggest running jokes in the anime is that it abandoned its own storyline, like, after the first season. Even so, there are little spurts of REAL, SERIOUS story about once per season or two, and they're amazing. Don't fret that they're so seldom - trust me, you do NOT watch Gintama for the plot. XD
Tue, Dec 04 '12, 22:04
Hehehehe... My copies of Brotherhood arrived today. :3

LOL. Nice name change for the thread. XD Just too bad it doesn't affect the thread's name in the forum index.

I had heard talk of Steins;Gate on the internet prior to finding out that Funimation had licensed it. Once I found that out, I asked Vanndril about it (he's been a big help in recommending anime to me). He said something like it's his second favorite anime of all time (behind Darker Than Black, which he desperately wants me to watch XD) and that he couldn't recommend it enough. I watched the first dubbed episode online (would've watched the second, but Funi's stream was broken), was entertained and intrigued enough by what I saw, and LOVED the dub work, so I bought it. Just waiting for part 2 to arrive before I really start watching it.

Lunakiri said:
I mean come on, Tsukune becoming a ghoul was pretty freaking big in the manga. WHY THE FUCK WAS IT NOT IN THE ANIME!?!?!?!?!

I blame it on pandering to the lowest common denominator in the Japanese audience. I mean, how many anime have you seen, particularly in recent years, that revolve around useless, wimpy guys who inexplicably find themselves surrounded by gorgeous women who are far more useful than them in everything but the brains department, and somehow feel that they NEED said useless guy in their lives? The R+V manga STARTED OUT like that, but as you pointed out, Tsukune ceased being the stereotypical wimpy guy, and ALL the characters underwent development that made them more than what they were before. All of that was left out of the anime in favor of making it an ecchi/harem rom-com with loads of pantyshots, because hey, that's what sells. That's my take on it, anyway.

Hell, I prefer Sekirei. It's got MORE action, MORE boobs (LOTS more), AND something of a plot, even if it hardly goes anywhere (hopefully, if/when there's a season 3, it will bring some kind of resolution). On top of that, the wimpy guy main character at least DOES SOMETHING every now and then. It *kinda* puts me in the mind of early R+V chapters, but a lot more sexed-up. Also Alexis Tipton provides the English voice of Musubi and she was also the English voice of Moka, so I enjoyed that. XD

Edit: That's what I get for typing long ass replies. Vanndril beat me to posting again. :P

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