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Posted on 2012-11-26 05:30:07 by Mindwipe

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3 comments (0 hidden)

Posted on 2012-11-26 05:31:29 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
My OCD demanded that I fix a couple errors I spotted. >.> Anyway...

Hope I didn't overdo it with the musical notes.
I'm having fun trying new things with these manips. ^^
Feedback is welcome, as always.

Posted on 2012-11-26 05:39:39 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
I do love headphone induced hypnosis and the notes really help :)

Her expression is perfect and you did good work on the eyes :)

Posted on 2012-11-26 08:32:38 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
Thanks, bellchan. I think the eyes look better now that I fixed those little errors. I only wish I had spotted them before I originally uploaded the pic. >_<
There are still some things that bug me about the eyes, but they're all caused by how they were colored in the original pic. They have a very...freeform quality.

