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Posted on 2012-11-15 02:31:12 by Mindwipe

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10 comments (0 hidden)

Posted on 2012-11-15 02:35:15 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
If I could change one thing about Danimarion's pics... I would just make them bigger. <3

Also, this pic comes with a question: half-snakes/half-women, what do we call them, "nagas" or "lamias"? I originally used "naga", but now I think that would be better suited for monsters that are more snake than human. What do you guys think?

Posted on 2012-11-15 02:53:00 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
I think most people would probably search "naga," so I'd go with that.

Posted on 2012-11-15 03:01:51 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
Come to think of it, I've seen "naga" used for both half-women/half-snakes and half-men/half-snakes, but I've only seen "lamia" used for half-women/half-snakes. So, "naga" would probably save us trouble. We'll go with that.

Posted on 2012-11-15 05:02:52 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
I think they should be named lamias, but, it's the Mods decision, not mine.

Posted on 2012-11-15 09:45:59 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
I just realized that the blue-haired girl's leg is all kinds of messed-up. Oh well, I still like this pic.

Posted on 2012-11-15 10:50:25 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
in my guide of monsters Naga's are the male snakemen while Lamia's are the female counter part.

Posted on 2012-11-16 17:09:31 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
"The short answer is that a lamia is from the Greek mythology while a naga is from the Hindu mythology.

There are deeper differences however. E.g. the Naga are often described as shapechangers while Lamia are part human, part snake."


So, in short, either-or works. I'd say just throw up an alias, and then let people tag whichever.

Posted on 2013-01-09 14:55:40 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
Also, the nipples kind of appear to be mismade as well. Not that the artist is that great at nipples in general, but eh.

Posted on 2013-01-09 15:03:49 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
Really? They look fine to me.

Posted on 2013-01-09 16:10:57 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
It just seems to me that the areola is double-layered. Kind of like there is an areola outside of the area it is supposed to be in, because of the pink colouring reaching a bit further than the lineart suggests.

