Thu, Nov 15 '12, 23:17
Touhous RAGS Game
The entire Touhous RAGS Trilogy is now available!

Play as the mind mage Soren, from the real world, who finds his way to
Gensokyo while studying the mystical Touhous, a book of magic that boasts powerful spells locked behind layers of wards and secrets. You have one goal in mind: to create your own harem of mind-slaves using the spells contained within. And what better place to start than the mystical realm you now find yourself in?

~RAGS Game Engine~

Chapter 1:

Chapter 2:

Chapter 3:

Chapter 3.5: [Linked at end of Chapter 3]

Chapter 1 Gallery:

Chapter 2 Gallery:

Chapter 3 Gallery:

Chapter 3.5 Gallery: [Linked in text file in Chapter 3's Gallery]

Note: Chapter 3.5 was separated from the rest of Chapter 3 due to potentially-loli content.

A list of download links can be found here (including chapter 3.5 and gallery):

For those of you who've been with me since this series was still in the works; alongside the release of Chapter 3/3.5, Chapter 1 also got revamped. So, you might want to download the new version.

I hope you all enjoy it!

The old OP is quoted below, for those who want to read this thread as it was intended to be read:

Sometime around Christmas, I intend to start development on the third chapter
of my Touhous RAGS game.

Those of you who come from hypnochan may remember it, but for those who don't....

RAGS is a simplistic game engine that allows creation of click-to-take-action games. This engine has long been used by the hypnofetish community, namely over at the collective, for the creation of hypnofetish games. Touhous is one such game that takes place in the Touhou universe, or one very close to it in any case.

~Some things to note~
1: Chapter 1 is noticeably lower quality than Chapter 2. When I made Chapter 1, I still wasn't really sure where I'd take the story or how the game would play. I intend to remake this chapter after Chapters 3 and 4 are complete, thus finishing the series.
Thu, Nov 15 '12, 23:37
Now, with that out of the way, there's something I'd like to say. My design intent for Chapter 3 is going to be similar to that of Chapter 1. It will have less story and less exploration than Chapter 2, and will focus mainly on the scenes with various characters. This doesn't mean that there won't be story or exploration, but rather that it won't be the focus this time around.

What this does mean, however, is that I need a LOT of scene ideas. There are at least 4 characters in Chapter 3, probably 5 or 6, and each of them need a decent number of scenes. I don't wish for them to feel stale and repetitive, so I need some unique ideas for "Spells" (such as enslave or entrance) and "Commands" (commands for specific actions, like a titfuck or something) that I can make scenes around.

If you have any ideas for scenes that you'd like to see, please post here and tell me. Your ideas may or may not appear in Chapter 3, but at the very least, they might help me spawn my own ideas.
Fri, Nov 16 '12, 14:53
Is there an FAQ somewhere. I'm stuck in chapter one. I've got momiji to call me master and have gotten to the part in the diary where the character wonders if his spells could be subtly effecting the targets mind over time, but after that it seems like I'm just doing the same set of commands over and over with nothing new happening. I can't figure out what combination of actions I need to take to move the story forward.
Fri, Nov 16 '12, 17:41
One of the many issues with Chapter 1 is how you can't tell when you finished it. :P

This will be fixed when I remake it, naturally.

When you have 3 entrees in the diary, and when you can get her to, for example, put on the collar (a "hidden" item) without having her under a spell, you've finished the chapter. It's short, yes, but Chapter 1 is really just the introduction more than anything else.

But don't be disheartened, Chapter 2 is a lot more...complete-feeling and cleaner. It's also far longer, and involves not one, but two story paths. This is because, by the time I started making the second chapter, I already knew where I wanted to bring the story and had enough experience with RAGS from making the first Chapter to do it right this time around.
Sat, Nov 17 '12, 07:54
Have you considered combining all the chapters into one game once they're all finished? That would also make figuring out when a chapter is over a lot easier. I loved the first two parts so I'm looking forwards to the next!
As for suggestions, well, I think cunnilingus is good. Yuri cunnilingus is very good. I'm sorry if that's not very specific, but it's something I love to see combined with hypnosis, so I'd love to see it in Touhous 3.
Sat, Nov 17 '12, 16:54
petal said:
Have you considered combining all the chapters into one game once they're all finished? That would also make figuring out when a chapter is over a lot easier.

I actually have; quite thoroughly, I might add. My beef with that is many of the variables and characters and whatnot that I've added are shared amongst the first two, and probably the third and fourth, chapters. I'd have to rename every variable, change every variable check, add new variables to figure out what version of each character should be in effect, and a lot more.

In a nutshell, doing this would take too much work for too little gain. Other than solving the "not sure when it ends" thing, it doesn't really have any benefit. I don't feel that solving that is worth hours upon hours of messing with and RETESTING all the chapters' variables, names, rooms, and the whole shebang. At least not when I can simply write in an ending to Chapter 1 after I clean and polish it some, which I'd need to do anyway. XD

It's strange, though. You're not the first one to suggest that to me. I wonder why people find that combination so appealing...

petal said:
I loved the first two parts so I'm looking forwards to the next!

After Hypnochan went down, I was actually considering scrapping the project. However, after seeing how active our forums ended up here, I decided that, between the collective and this booru, it's worth finishing. At least I can say I actually finished something I started, for once. So I'm glad at least a few people are looking forward to it. :P

petal said:
As for suggestions, well, I think cunnilingus is good.

Oh, trust me, if I can find the appropriate yuri pics, there WILL be yuri. I'll keep in mind this particular yuri request as well, though writing about cunnilingus will be a new experience for me. XD
Sat, Nov 17 '12, 20:30
Vanndril said:
Oh, trust me, if I can find the appropriate yuri pics, there WILL be yuri.

Which shouldn't be too hard, considering the characters you're using. ;)
Sun, Nov 18 '12, 01:24
Mindwipe said:
Which shouldn't be too hard, considering the characters you're using. ;)

Aye. XD
Wed, Dec 05 '12, 20:56
Mabye a scene featuring mind/body swapping? That could be interesting.
Wed, Dec 05 '12, 20:59
Or possession.
Wed, Dec 05 '12, 21:01
Metalgear said:

I think you'll be happy. ;)
Thu, Dec 06 '12, 20:51
Mindwipe said:
Metalgear said:

I think you'll be happy. ;)

*grins widely* Yes, yes he will.

I honestly hadn't thought of body-swapping though. Having two of the characters in this chapter SWITCH bodies for a bit could be fun. I'd need to find a way to work it in...
Fri, Dec 07 '12, 06:06
Looking forward to it ;)
Wed, Dec 12 '12, 13:01
Need help in chapter 2, can't find aya after getting the key and if possible is there a guide to this game?
Wed, Dec 12 '12, 22:22
mcmaster said:
Need help in chapter 2, can't find aya after getting the key

You need to enter Aya's room, and then examine the room itself. There should be a small square with a pic of the room above the compass, I think. After that, Aya should automatically show up. (I think Vanndril should have picked a more obvious method. I had no idea you could examine rooms until he told me.)
Wed, Dec 12 '12, 22:34
Mindwipe said:
I think Vanndril should have picked a more obvious method.

Possibly. I'll keep that in mind when I revise the chapters sometime after chapter 3 is complete.
Thu, Dec 13 '12, 03:48
Can we get a few snip-its of what chapter 3 will be like?

Also do you have any exposition on Soren? Such as his life before he entered the world of the Touhou girls or whether he can or will be able to live forever?

Thu, Dec 13 '12, 04:10
Lost+Name said:
the world of the Touhou girls

Gensokyo. :P And he was a Fire Emblem character before all that. XD (Okay, okay, so Vanndril made him into a different character.)

As for teasers, I believe that the ending of Chapter 2 told you where Soren was heading next. With a little bit of Touhou knowledge, you should have a pretty good idea of which characters he'll be going after. I'd love to spill a little about what I know, but I won't do it without Vanndril's permission.
Thu, Dec 13 '12, 07:28
Lost+Name said:
Can we get a few snip-its of what chapter 3 will be like?

I suppose a little won't hurt. Most of what I have done so far are side content that cause drastic changes to the main story...I don't officially start working on this thing until around the 21st, remember. Maybe after Christmas, depending on a few irl things.

Anyway, you will have access to all of the map from chapter 2 (and by extension, chapter 1's hut again) - these maps will contain some of the side content - and an entirely new map for the sake of Chapter 3. Note that by side content, I don't mean the sexy scenes, I mean events that either change the course of or simply compliment the main story. There are even side contents that change the way other side contents play out. It should be fun to mess around with when it's finished.

I'm highly convinced that I will be adding a special content that you will need to know the Village Elder's real name from Chapter 2 in order to access. She will be the final piece of a small chain of side content, but that only makes sense if you unlocked her, so I'm probably just going to ask you to tell me her name when you start a new game, in order to unlock her in Chapter 3 so that you can do the side event. I'd prefer if people actually unlocked her in Chapter 2 in order to figure out her name, but if you want to cheat, feel free to ask a friend. I won't have any sort of weird protection or anything, you just need to know her name. All this is assuming I actually create this event.

Chapter 3 will be a sort of mix between the feels of 1 and 2. It will focus mainly on controlling the characters, such as was Chapter 1's ENTIRE purpose, but it will also retain some of Chapter 2's sense of exploration. In addition, there are many events that need to be unlocked. Most of this can be unlocked simply by exploring and talking to other characters that you already control from the previous chapters.

There will be bad endings. You WILL be able to die by getting into seriously bad situations. Some of them are obvious. Others, less so. As Soren gets closer to completing the first step of his plan to Gensokyo domination, the stakes rise, and more dangerous players are taking action.

There WILL be unlockable characters. 2, in fact, and both of them are actual Touhou characters - not like the Elder or Shopkeep from chapter 2. It's completely possible to miss out on both of them.

There will be new and interesting spell choices. I won't explain what they are yet - you'll just have to play the chapter when it's finished, but I spent some serious time thinking about how to avoid making recruiting all the characters in this chapter (there will be 5, if you include the unlockables, and 6 if you include one that will be released in a Chapter 3.5 at the same time or soon after Chapter 3 - she'll be separated because she's loli - I'll find a way to get that part to those interested without breaking the booru rules, don't worry) boring and repetitive. Know that not all spells will be able to be used on all characters, and not all characters have an extra spell. I think you'll all enjoy the selection of spells I devised, when the time comes.

Anyway, I think that's enough for now. That gives more than enough information on what to expect.

Lost+Name said:
Also do you have any exposition on Soren? Such as his life before he entered the world of the Touhou girls or whether he can or will be able to live forever?

When I first started the Touhous series, it was intended to be a single, simple game that had little to no story aside from "you're a mage in gensokyo, go enslave the girls". Chapter 1 was designed with that in mind. It was only as I finished Chapter 1 and added Momiji's diary that I realized I couldn't help myself from making the series have a story.

However, Soren was more than just a catalyst for this storyless design intent. At the time, I considered making numerous games similar to Touhous, and as such, Soren would be the protagonist of all of them. I still might - who knows? - but as of now, the extent of my plans is to finish Chapter 3 of Touhous, and polish/fix up the other 2.

As for Soren himself? He's just human. If he can find a way to live forever, it will be through the denizens and magic of Gensokyo. But as of now, I neither have any intended death nor life for him after the end of Chapter 3.

As for his past? I left that information out intentionally. His past is speculative in everything except the fact that he studied magic.
Fri, Dec 14 '12, 04:50
Admittedly If anything I'd be more interested in a FDOM one... I mean it's not like there isn't a shortage of FF art that could be used for it.

Also tempted to make a Touhou Ideas General thread. Since well even without FACELESS MALE you got mountains of potential for FDOM/FSUB/TTT stuff.

Also are we going to get an independent image set like we had in the previous ones too?

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