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Posted on 2012-11-11 19:26:29 by bellchan

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4 comments (0 hidden)

Posted on 2013-02-11 20:39:35 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
It was a pleasure to commission this one from Suechan. Also wrote a story to go along with it:

Posted on 2013-02-12 00:46:39 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
Oh cool, sunt-ermico! I didn't realize you were on the booru. I'm big fan of your text manips. I even planned to do a series of manips and ask you to add text to them. I hope that's not coming on too strong. Let me know if you're interested; if not, I understand.

Posted on 2013-02-12 01:43:19 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
Nice work, Sunt. Love the story to go with it. This is my favorite type of hypno-story/art. :)

Posted on 2013-03-07 16:16:09 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
@Lost+Name: Friends send me pics every now and then. I manip them if I get an idea I like. So, feel free to send some my way. XD

