Mon, Nov 12 '12, 03:06
Western artists who have become Japan-famous
Okay, so "Japan-famous" might be a bit strong for what I'm about to share but I figured that was a suitable title if this thread were to last for more than just one post. ;p

Sleepymaid's Japan-famous! So I was perusing symats' Fetish World ( ), a Japanese weblog which posts DLSite and DMM links to various "atypical" fetishes like hypnosis, corruption, and so forth, and what did I come across at the bottom of the first page tonight but this: . On occasion, symats will post links to DeviantArt pages that have caught his attention. But on this particular occasion I thought I'd share with you guys, since I know you love Sleepymaid so much, that she has caught the attention of at least one Japanese fan ... and who knows how many more! Kinda cool. ;p :)

If a North American, Central American, South America, Western European, or Eastern European (geez, what a mouthful!) artist that you happen to like should turn up on a Japanese weblog you're reading, feel free to use this thread to share that with us, *provided* they've got something to do with the themes of this booru.
Mon, Nov 12 '12, 03:13
It's funny you bring this up. I once saw a Sleepymaid pic with text show up on Gelbooru with the "hard translated" tag. Apparently, someone thought Sleepy was a Japanese artist. XD

Anyway, I once found one of Vanndril's manips on a Japanese message board. Needless to say, that tickled him.
Mon, Nov 12 '12, 03:39
I'd actually forgotten all about that, Mindwipe. XD
Consider me retickled.

But yeah, I saw sleepy on japanese chans once. I don't go there often, or hell, at all really, but the one time I was there there was even a thread for him in particular. :D

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