Sat, Nov 03 '12, 23:33
Rosvo content and why it is gone
Greetings Hypno Booru users!

I am Alaron, an administrator on the network. All of the content by "rosvo" has been removed recently due to a take-down notice we have received from the artist. I kindly ask you to not upload any more content carrying the DeviantArt watermark or his email address.

Sat, Nov 03 '12, 23:43
Oh, joyous, our first blacklisted artist. I don't see this going badly at all. -_-
Sun, Nov 04 '12, 02:02
Wait... so are you saying we're not allowed to upload content containing his DeviantArt watermark specifically, or are we not allowed to upload content with DeviantArt watermarks period?

Also, I can't say I understand why he'd have a problem with his stuff being reposted, but whatever. So long as we can keep the Booru up.
Sun, Nov 04 '12, 02:17
I was gonna ask the same, but since all the other dA watermarked pics are still here, I assumed it was just his.
Sun, Nov 04 '12, 08:25
To be quiet honest - anything that's Watermarked is normally forbidden. With that being said, EVERY booru has watermarked content, it's impossible for me to remove it all. If we get a take-down notice (DMCA) we remove the content that the artist wants gone. In this case - all of Rosvo's imagery.

Seeing as your forums are quite active you might want to get a little list of blacklisted artists.

I'm sorry for removing so many pictures but we're required by law to remove them when an artist wants them removed.

To sum up: Any other content except the ones prohibited by our advertisers (ToS on and for this specific booru - content by Rosvo is prohibited.

Sun, Nov 04 '12, 19:10
Welp, time to make a mad dash on Jimryu's artwork since most of his stuff was removed from his DA page and he doesn't have the best relationship with the community.
Sun, Nov 04 '12, 20:03
This is a good time to repeat what I said about saving pics that you like, because you never know what might happen.

As for making a list of blacklisted artists, I'll worry about that when/if we get more than one artist to put on it. Still shocked it was Rosvo, of all people.
Sun, Nov 04 '12, 22:22
I think it was because of some of the Hentai Foundry pics of his and one of Mermaid Melody pics that are suppose to be exclusive to his group. Artist and their subscription groups... It makes me agitated.
Sun, Nov 04 '12, 23:47
But why does an artist even want his art to NOT spread all over the world!? I even remember that I even saw some of his actual DA gallery pics in here..And now they're Gonnnneee... -.- Should we post drawn links to his DA pic?? <.<
I also may need to upload my gallery stuff ^^'
Mon, Nov 05 '12, 00:07
Most of the stuff of his that was posted came from his dA gallery, but apparently some of them were from his subscription blog, and I guess it was easier to say "take it all down" than to ask us to remove certain pics.

Honestly, I'd be surprised if anyone KNOWINGLY posted pics from his blog, since I've seen his pics posted all over the net. Even now, you can search for Rosvo on Google and get tons of results (and not all of them lead to his dA gallery). This doesn't mean that Rosvo APPROVES of his work being posted in those places, of course, but I do find it a bit ironic that I can see his work on rule34, but not here, a website dedicated to the type of art that Rosvo most often draws.

Oh well, it is what it is.
Mon, Nov 05 '12, 00:11
I ask the same question myself. Jimryu kinda got burned, found out people were selling his artwork online so that's why you get the obnoxious watermark. And then he tried making comics to sell, which kinda backfired as well since people become very willing to pirate pics. Now he's got his own group, but people kinda got bitter and started flagging his works I assume. But yeah, he kinda overreacted to stuff and got some hate from it, doesn't help that there is a minor language barrier.

Rosvo saw what was happening and decided to make his own group with subscription fees so he had a good place to release his more explicit art. At least that's what I assume. Plus having people pay to see your artwork for a certain amount of time is probably more steady and less "work like" than commissions.

Basically it's all about the money.

Also, since most pics here don't have a source link it kind of limits their exposure to their main sites, which isn't good. Plus, why go to their sites if those pics are gonna be uploaded here. Not everybody has a "I must favorite this and express my opinion to the artist" sensibility.
Mon, Nov 05 '12, 00:28
Well, at least we try to always tag artists around here. The people who would be likely to follow a source link are the same people who would be willing to do a quick Google search for the artist's name.

I'm just thankful for artists like Trishbot, hypnogoat, Malroth, and Lunakiri who have all come here to post their artwork themselves and have been supportive of this community. Also, Sleepymaid, P.Chronos, Faustus, and others did the same on Hypnochan, so I assume that they're OK with us too (Right?... Guys?... We cool?).
Mon, Nov 05 '12, 00:40
Alaron- Thank you for the notice. Some people would be very confused without it.
Mon, Nov 05 '12, 14:59
You're welcome.

To put the situation in a bit more context - most often then not it's about the money. It's artists trying to limit the places where their art is displayed to attempt actually selling it to eager viewers.

I honestly expect a take-down notice in the near future regarding his work on and because that's what tends to happen. Artists normally go through the web flagging their images. just happened to have the most images so it's the first from our network to receive a take-down notice.

I know how it feels to suddenly lose a large amount of content from a favorite artist. We recently got a take-down notice for all of the Palcomix images on and and that's A LOT of REALLY GOOD artwork. It's unfortunate but Artists need to bring food to the table and we respect that.

Mon, Nov 05 '12, 20:09
Hypno artist gotta eat.
Tue, Nov 06 '12, 01:59
Well, I suppose I should add something since it is my fault for uploading the images without asking for his permission, though I wasn't even aware I needed to.

I tried asking him about it and he banned me form his comments post and the enitre situation just spiralled out from there. I just hope jimryu doesn't react the same way for his images being posted, and I'm a little hesitant to actually continue posting them if the same thing happens.
Tue, Nov 06 '12, 02:28
Digitalgame said:
Well, I suppose I should add something since it is my fault for uploading the images without asking for his permission, though I wasn't even aware I needed to.

I tried asking him about it and he banned me form his comments post and the enitre situation just spiralled out from there. I just hope jimryu doesn't react the same way for his images being posted, and I'm a little hesitant to actually continue posting them if the same thing happens.

It's not like it's your fault. I uploaded pics from him too, and I think so did Vanndril. I'm sure it was only the stuff that was from his subscription blog that he didn't want posted, but I honestly don't know what came from his blog and what didn't. All the pics I posted were pics that I found scattered around the net. Most of them were posted on Hypnochan.

As for Jimryu: I don't know. We'll see. He's another artist that you can find pics from all over the net. So maybe he'll care and maybe he won't. That's if he even finds out we exist. I don't know if he ever knew of Hypnochan's existence (but then, I don't think Rosvo did either).
Tue, Nov 06 '12, 04:38
Maybe someone could convince Rosvo to post some of his own work here. I mean, that way he could control what shows up on our lists.

If anyone knows him as an acquaintance, I'd suggest it to him if I were you. I'm sure asking him wouldn't hurt.
Tue, Nov 06 '12, 13:18
Vanndril, I did ask him about that and his answer is no, appearantley he seems to think he did not have a say in which the site could have and which it couldn't, he would have been fine if that was the case but now I doubt he ever will.

As for jimryu, well I left him a note asking about hypnobooru but he hasn't replied yet, maybe he never will and just doesn't care, I hope it's the second one.
Tue, Nov 06 '12, 14:26
*shrug* Oh well, it was worth a shot.

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