Sun, Oct 14 '12, 18:45
Top 100, Baby!

With that recent BrokenTeapot dump, Hypnobooru has rocketed into The Booru Project's top 100 Booru list! :D
Sun, Oct 14 '12, 19:05
We were already in the top 100, just on the second page. ;)
Sun, Oct 14 '12, 19:15
Wow, a lot of people seem to be using the Booru Project for storing their personal picture collection. I'd rather run the software locally, but I guess it's a lot easier that way. Congrats to Hypnobooru, in any case.
Sun, Oct 14 '12, 20:01
Vanndril said:
We were already in the top 100, just on the second page. ;)

That's impossible, since each page is 100 results.

Anyway, yay... Now, if only that bump was actually TAGGED WELL... -_-'
Mon, Oct 15 '12, 05:07
Oh, shit. I never scrolled down on the second page. XD
I mistook an advertisement space as the end of the list. I thought the guys at the booru just had the top 100 list split oddly into two pages.

Well, then yay for top 100. XD
Sat, Jan 26 '13, 05:13
Total necro but we're in the top 50 now. #39 actually.
Sat, Jan 26 '13, 05:19
It's almost insane how far we've come. Top 50, over 5000 posts, over 500 registered users (or at least userNAMES)...

We've seriously grown.
Sat, Jan 26 '13, 05:28
And hopefully we're not DONE growing. We need to start getting our name out more.
Generally, this means I need to go and start selling my soul to all the other MC sites to try and ask for some advertisement help. :P
Sat, Jan 26 '13, 05:47
Well I got us sidebarred on the EroticHypnosis reddit. Hopefully that will bring in some traffic. This place really does deserve care, love and attention.

The wifey and I will try to bring in content where we can. Though lately our focus has been... stolen...

By a more productive project >.>;
Sat, Jan 26 '13, 07:25
bellchan said:
The wifey and I will try to bring in content where we can. Though lately our focus has been... stolen...

By a more productive project >.>;

Oh! Oh! Tell us more!
Or, wait, does it have anything to do with the fetish by any chance? :P
Sat, Jan 26 '13, 07:31
Thanks for the assist, bell. That should help.
Sat, Jan 26 '13, 13:26
Vanndril said:
Oh! Oh! Tell us more!
Or, wait, does it have anything to do with the fetish by any chance? :P

It doesn't, sadly so it will be slowing our contributions.
Sun, Jan 27 '13, 01:36
Okay, I won't prod you for information, then. XD
And yes, thanks for that. Any amount of advertisement is good for us.

See, Mindwipe and I have considered advertising heavily on the collective - I used to speak to TeraS quite commonly, so I'm sure I could convince...her (him?) to trade advertisement with the booru - but we're hesitant to attempt that, because the collective is so similar to the booru. The niches we fill in the community are very, very similar, and we're afraid that if we draw too much of our member base from there, that the booru will end up a carbon-copy of the collective as far as content.

We also hesitate due to that fact that we'd get a potentially HUGE flood of content if enough of the people flocked over to post their stuff from their collective galleries, much of which would probably have to be put up for judgment, causing all sorts of crazy drama.

I've been thinking about it for a while now, and I'm not sure how to handle that.

Aside from the collective, I have a few more ideas...
Mon, Jan 28 '13, 01:14
Congrats on making top 100! I have been a long time fan of the booru, yet just made a profile. I'd post drawings if I could draw, but I digress. Congrats!

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