Fri, Oct 12 '12, 07:50
Rating System?
letting people give star ratings to posts helps me sort through to the really good content. I like it on e-hentai and on literotica. any chance we could implement something like that here?
Fri, Oct 12 '12, 08:24

But to go into more detail: even if we were paying for extra features (we're just using the ones provided for free right now), we could only get those that sites like rule34.xxx have, and there's no rating system there beyond the one that lets you vote a pic up or down (and we have that here).
Sat, Oct 13 '12, 14:44
That about sums it up, yeah. They were pretty lazy when they designed the booru rating system. :P

There's simply nothing we can do about it. The booru.org administration set up a basic booru for us for free, are hosting it for free, and gave us a free subdomain name. I'm just grateful they've done that much, but it also means that we don't have access to the actual site .html files, so we can't change anything aside from colors and fonts, for the most part, which is taken care of in a Cascading Style Sheet file, which is the only file we DO have access to.

...And even that .css file seems to refuse to update in a timely manner. (Why won't you change, quote and note backgrounds!?)
Sat, Oct 13 '12, 16:38
What do you get for putting down some money? Anything besides access to the HTML? I am certainly not suggesting you do anything of the sort, having this website is more than enough, I'm just curious and couldn't find it on their website.
Sat, Oct 13 '12, 21:52
To be honest, I don't think we get access to the HTML even if we pay. They just install (probably not the right word) an upgraded version of the booru software (again, probably not the right word) for us. The features it would give us would be like what rule34.xxx has. Things like color-coded tags, pools, and such.
Sun, Oct 14 '12, 08:16
Vanndril said:
(Why won't you change, quote and note backgrounds!?)

Hey, Vanndril, if you haven't double-checked the CSS already, I would recommend it. Lost+Name said he's having the same problem with the note color that I am (was black, now it's white again).

I figured I'd tell you here, since you're ignoring me now. :P
Sun, Oct 14 '12, 19:02
Oh shush, Mindwipe. You know I've been sick! :P
I'm just going to sleep early every night. My fear of allergies morphing into something more has been realized. Upper respiratory infection now. Let's hope that doesn't develop into pneumonia. XD

That said, I'll take another look at the file now. Regardless of what's going on, reuploading the new CSS SHOULD fix the issue...eventually.
Sun, Oct 14 '12, 19:18
Alright, give it a while and it should sort itself out. If it doesn't...I'll just have to do it again and again until it does.

Also, clear your cache. That could cause the issue as well.
Tue, Oct 16 '12, 03:19
Mindwipe said:
and there's no rating system there beyond the one that lets you vote a pic up or down (and we have that here).

I've a question about this, how I search high score pics?
Tue, Oct 16 '12, 03:34
You can't. The voting system has no practical use at all.
Tue, Oct 16 '12, 21:42
Mindwipe said:
You can't. The voting system has no practical use at all.

While sad, this is completely true. XD
How I wish I had access to the html files of this site...

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