Thu, Oct 11 '12, 08:55
Quality Rules Updated...Again
Alright, I just changed the rules on poor quality artwork AGAIN. Rather than just copy/paste the edits, I’ll summarize them here.

We removed the rules prohibiting “anything obviously made in MS Paint” and text manips with unmodified images. The remaining quality rules have been clarified to the best of my ability. I also added a new rule that forbids text manips where the text has little or nothing to do with the pic used.

We also now have a new system for deleting poor quality images, which works thusly: If a moderator finds a pic to be poor quality, he will leave a comment on that image stating that it is under judgment of quality. From there, the pic will be removed within about 24 hours unless one of two things happens:
1.) The remaining 2 moderators disagree with the flagging and remove it.
2.) Registered users vote to keep it. You can do this by leaving a comment on the pic. If you provide a reason why you think it’s not poor quality, your post will count for 5 points. If you just say “keep it” or “I like it” or something similar, your vote will count for 2 points. If a pic receives at least 10 points before 24 hours are up, it will be kept.

We hope that these rule changes will allow us to be more transparent and fair regarding deletion of poor quality images.
Thu, Oct 11 '12, 14:47
To clarify, the reason two mods can veto the third is so that we can be, individually, a bit harsher on what we decide to judge. The bottom line is that our rules are STILL subjective, and rather than trying to fit a decision of subjectivity purely into logical form (which is nigh impossible), we decided that having a sort of balance of power amongst the mods will allow us to still be subjective AND fair.

In other words, this limits the chances that personal mod bias can get a pic deleted, as multiple mods will have to at least agree that they don't know if it should stay or not for the flag to remain valid (or I suppose a mod could just not notice the flag, but my point stands).

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