Wed, Oct 30 '13, 06:23
is this place dead?
i haven't seen anything new in a while i thought i ask
Wed, Oct 30 '13, 17:22
Good thing I'm still stalking around here occasionally.
Specifically for questions like this, too. :P

No, we're not dead. We moved. Take note of this post:

We moved to a new site with a new booru-like gallery software.

The new software doesn't have any anonymous privileges (other than viewing content), which is the only real downside. What it does have, though, is a million new, cool features that we're STILL discovering every so often, such as a mail system, user avatars, a better blacklist system, tag autocompletion (makes tagging and searching a snap), etc.

Refer to the post I linked above for the URL. And, uh, prepare for some reading. The URL goes to a large, but important forum post on the new site outlining new things one should know about the new software, and some policy changes.
Thu, Oct 31 '13, 05:51
thanks :)
Sat, Nov 02 '13, 19:38
No problem.

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