Fri, Aug 16 '13, 06:55
Should we have separate tag for very long text manips
I'm talking about the images that have paragraphs of text next to them. Putting them all under the same text tag seems inconvenient for those looking to actively find or avoid them. They also seem to cause a bit of flaming in the comments. Personally I like most of them, as long as there is effort put into it and it wasn't made on mspaint they can be really great.
Fri, Aug 16 '13, 07:10
Sat, Aug 17 '13, 01:26
I'm not sure. That doesn't really sound like to bad of an idea to me. It could be something like "lotta_text" or "text_wall" or something. If the issue is a matter of time and exhaustion I could take up the task of tagging after a specific tag is settled upon.
Sat, Aug 17 '13, 09:06
We should probably bring this thread over to the new booru, despite the broken forum system. XD

Also, I do believe the issue is tag bloat, more than the work involved. Though I'm not sure either way, atm. Something to consider, perhaps.

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