Mon, Aug 05 '13, 20:15
Guys, I need help.
Anyway, so, seems I got into a bit of a fight tonight, long story, and my glasses got broken. I have a backup pair, but ... I need to replace my other ones. First off, these ones don't look as good on me as the others do, second off these ones just piss me off, and thirdly, I don't have transitions on these ones like I do my other ones.

So, I don't have enough money to get a new pair of glasses, and I won't have enough at the end of the month when I get money, either. Dammit.

So I'm doing this.

I need a total of 2oo USD for a new pair of glasses. I need 3oo, total, but I do have SOME money that I can put towards them.

Full coloured, Full Body images, $1o USD a pop 'cause I need the money. Sorry!

[I am willing to do unlined for $2o USD!]

Interested? Email me at lunakiri @
Mon, Aug 05 '13, 21:56
Is all the art you uploaded yours ?
Mon, Aug 05 '13, 22:20
All except the stuff I'm tagged as a manipper for, and the one 3d image [that was done by a friend who gave me permission to upload it].

So, in short, if it's tagged Lunakiri - it's mine. As long as it's not lunakiri (Manipper).
Tue, Aug 06 '13, 02:58
Sad to hear that, Luna! :(
Hope you didn't get hurt or something. But I guess even a small fight would damage your glasses... and $300 is a lot!

Hope you get the money. Too bad most of us are probably in the red here lol.

(By the way, why do you use "o" as "0"?)
Tue, Aug 06 '13, 05:25
Thanks Stem.
I'm fine, a bit of a bruise on my temple, but other than that, I'm fine. It was just the frames that got beat up, not even the lenses. they are still perfectly fine, actually. Might see if I can take them into WalMart [where I bought them] and see if I can get them fixed at all.

And why? I ... honestly? I have no idea. I just started doing it years ago, and it stuck XD
Tue, Aug 06 '13, 09:30
If you have a soldering iron maybe you can fix it yourself till you get new glasses
Tue, Aug 06 '13, 19:39
I don't, and I don't know anyone who does.
Thu, Aug 08 '13, 01:40
By the way, maybe you can get glasses frames for actually less than $300. Maybe Wallmart is just a bad place to shop for them? You could take a look at ebay or something, they shouldn't cost that much I think.
Thu, Aug 08 '13, 03:09
and again

I'm NOT buying glasses online.
And the frames are only about 6o bucks. It's my damned lenses that cost so much. I have wicked bad astigmatism, so that jumps the price up.
Also, Walmart is the BEST price I've found for glasses, too. I'd rather go other plaes, but I just don't have the money

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