Sun, Aug 04 '13, 14:42
My newest Manip
Hello. :)

Sadly it happened again. I have been having a look at the page and in the past 5 days there were around 10 new images beeing posted. I have posted my Image this morning on around 3 o'clock and within no less than 10 hours it was on Page 2 due to large amount of image flooding by a couple of posters.

This is sadly not the first time this happened. I am sure you can understand, that I wanted to have my image stay on the first page a little longer (with all the comments), due to the time it took me to create it. I wouldn't otherwise shamelessly tying to promote it here. So if you watch the Forums, have a look at it on http://hypno.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10199 and drop a comment there.

Thank you. :)

Sun, Aug 04 '13, 20:17
Lol yeah, I know the feeling. I usually try to limit myself to 10 posts per day, when I'm on my posting sprees for that reason.

And to think, this is AFTER slayer increased the number of posts per page.

Nice work on that manip, btw. At first glance, I thought someone found an MC manga I hadn't yet. No joke. :P
Mon, Aug 05 '13, 01:47
Yeah, well .. I don't think it's my place to say it, but I don't know ... some of these images lately have been kind of ... not looking that great. It's hard to find the really good ones now, but I guess everyone has a different taste.

And Vanndril - I am kind of disappointed in you. ^^ I thought you might pick up the pencil and get a couple of manga manips out yourself. :)

I checked the site regularly and waited for another Manga-manip to become available but it seems I failed in starting a new trend of manipping and that makes me a sad panda :(.

The latest manip took me almost a whole week to do (8-10 hours per day researching, image editing, building the story etc.). It's got images from 10 different doujin's + 2 Artwork collections (I went over the traffic restriction on exhentai for every day in the past week to read every doujin and artwork related to that manga/anime - and when I did I read the manga, looked up more images on the net and so on). And what was even worse was to find a decending elevator. Turns out Mangaka don't like to draw descending elevators these days ... and I was dead set on that elevator metaphor ... I even read several chapters of Evangelion again - they have a shitload of elevators there - do you ever get to see a descending one that could be used - nope.

Even looking at the manip now I can see little things here and there that could be polished even more, but I think it worked out well enough. :)

So get your skills out there and be ready for hell. You should try it as well! I'll help you with some editing if you want to. :)
Mon, Aug 05 '13, 02:52
Hypnomangaeditor said:
Yeah, well .. I don't think it's my place to say it, but I don't know ... some of these images lately have been kind of ... not looking that great. It's hard to find the really good ones now, but I guess everyone has a different taste.

What you said there at the end is the truth. That said, I don't disagree with your opinion. Our new site will be able to sort by score and also have popular lists for the days, weeks, and months. So, "find[ing] the really good ones" may become a bit easier, lord willing.

it seems I failed in starting a new trend of manipping

I think I can pinpoint the reason for that.

The latest manip took me almost a whole week to do (8-10 hours per day researching, image editing, building the story etc.)

^There it is. :P

I think most people make manips because it's quicker and easier than making original art, but if it takes that long... well, then it isn't really quicker or easier. I mean, by your own estimation, that would be 56 hours minimum? I know Vanndril's told me before that he isn't interested in spending a ton of time on one manip. He once poked fun at me just for taking 3 days to make sure that the eyes on a manip were just right, and that was with me spending maybe an hour or two a day on it.

I know I'll never make one of these manips, but if you're enjoying it, keep at it. You obviously know what you're doing, and your manips are unique. Just make sure you're doing something you enjoy.
Mon, Aug 05 '13, 04:11
There's not much that gives me more pleasure than finally finishing one of these manips. I think it kind of feels like climbing a big mountain and finally reaching the peak.

I'd say it took me around 40-45 hours in total. I am insane though. The first initial manip I made took like 5 hours or so - and if we wouldn't have revised it several times, it would have been kind of a quick (and bad) manip.

If you limit yourself to one manga, you basically just have to do a bit of editing and - there you go! I just take so long because of 3 reasons:

1. I am always building a prototype - know how mangakas build a storyboard first? I do that with every manip. It feels like it doubles the work, but it gives you a clear direction where to go and you can focus on the editing part in the later part without worrying about the story.

2. Research. The least I do is reading every hentai manga on exhentai that was created for a specific series. If it is a Mangaseries with just 6 Chapters I read EVERY doujin/manga that guy has made.

3. I am stubborn. I don't want to make any compromises to my story so i tend to have to look for certain images very long to find them - e.g. the elevator thing. You could conveniently just make a story up with the images you have. I kind of did that with the first 2-3 of my manips - but this would probably lead to "the same old idea" again.

All in all I take it too serious and try to compensate my lack of skills with putting more effort into into. I'd rather have the skills to draw these kind of Mangas myself, but I am sadly unable to draw anything, unless I get GIMP started up on my PC ...

Btw. - if there's a list of requests for the new site - please make a decent forum with a Personal Message system. I am not fond of publicly posting my email in the comments and communication can get a bit problematic. Sometimes ppl would rather PM you then write a public comment as well, which is fine for me, but the system does not support this here.
Mon, Aug 05 '13, 04:41
Hypnomangaeditor said:
Btw. - if there's a list of requests for the new site - please make a decent forum with a Personal Message system.

There is a PM system on the new site. ;)
Mon, Aug 05 '13, 05:10
I thought about doing it before. Once in a while, I consider it. But the problem really is the time involved. I would do the same thing, the same way. It seems we work similarly. :P

The trick is, if you follow how long it would take me to make a manga manip like yours, I could finish 1/4'th a chapter of my Touhous trilogy (assuming I was to make more than 3 - wouldn't be much a trilogy then), as each of those generally took just short 200 hours. There are other things I could do with that amount of time that I feel would result in more content while not really skimping all too much on quality.

I don't really consider manipping a "way for those without artistic skills to make art". I mean, it is that, but that's not how I think about it. Short physical handicaps, anyone can learn to draw with enough time and effort. That being true, I think of manipping as a QUICK way to make content rather than by drawing. To me, if you remove the "quick" part, it seems pointless; at that point, why would I not learn to draw?

What you do is impressive, but I will probably never really take part in it for the same reason that I never really learned to do the cool facial feature edits that Lost+Name can do: it just takes too long.
Mon, Aug 05 '13, 11:42
on the one hand, yeah, I'm one of the image flooders - often, as a sort of personal game, I've been purposely posting until I've posted enough images to fill the page - my intent has never been to hide away content or force content into view, but merely to provide new content - I had no idea it was causing any distress

on the other hand, it isn't unusual for me to browse past page 3, looking at what has been posted, as well as doing a variety of tag searches [both to try and avoid posting dupes, and to find new-to-me content], and I assume others do as well, so just because a post is not on the front page doesn't mean it's gone for forgotten

although if you'd like I can certainly cut back on my posting
Tue, Aug 06 '13, 02:07
Well, I usually go to the last page of new content when I come here for it :P

So I'd encourage as many postings as people are willing to make, because "front page" is not thaaaat relevant on a site like this. Your content will be seen :)
Tue, Aug 06 '13, 03:40
Admittedly, being on the front page will mean even less once we switch over to the new site, since there will likely be a lot more content being posted due to the lift on the loli/shota ban. Not to mention that we won't be using child posts for sequences, and child posts themselves will no longer disappear into some invisible void. Pics will get knocked off the front page a lot faster.

On the plus side, there will be a lot more search options.

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