Mon, Jul 22 '13, 23:33
NSFW Speedpaints
Does anyone know where they could be uploaded?
I can't seem to get anything to work on my personal site. DX

So I'm asking you all. Does anyone know where I could post them? I know I can't post them on Youtube or Vimeo.... I honestly can't think of anywhere else.
Wed, Jul 24 '13, 04:56
Maybe you can post them onto youtube as unlisted, I'm not what rules apply to private videos.
Also I recall a site called Dailymotion full of nsfw content maybe you can check that out
But take my advice with a grain of salt because I barely know anything about what I said.
Wed, Jul 24 '13, 05:30
I'll look into it, definitely. Thanks =)
Wed, Jul 24 '13, 05:44
Yeah, I've gotten a lot of NSFW hypno-vidoes off DailyMotion. That one could work.
Wed, Jul 24 '13, 05:54
Wherever you choose, just make sure to post the link! ^_^
Wed, Jul 24 '13, 06:23
Nope, won't work.
Copied straight from the prohibited stuff page.

- child pornography;
- dangerous or illegal acts (including but not limited to incitement to violence, animal abuse or drug abuse);
- unlawful, obscene, defamatory or libelous material; or
- any sexually explicit content (including but not limited to images of rape, bestiality, intercourse, masturbation, sadistic or masochistic abuse, explicit depiction of male or female genitalia or pubic areas, pedophilia or necrophilia)

Most that I'm talking about for nsfw, would be probably fondling, masturbation, etc. ><
Wed, Jul 24 '13, 06:30
That makes sense. They allow nudity, but I guess nothing more hardcore than that (I couldn't even FIND a prohibited content list).

I'm not sure what streaming services would allow this stuff. You could maybe put them up for download somewhere like Mega or something...
Fri, Jul 26 '13, 00:13
Twas easy to find, actually. >>

And I MAY have found somewhere...
Fri, Jul 26 '13, 00:17
The place I found requires a damned credit card.
And, of course, they don't accept prepaid.
[It's a free site, but they give you a trial for the paid upgrade. If you cancel it, you still get to be a member, just no charges]
Fri, Jul 26 '13, 11:46
I wonder if there really isn't any site that allows this... In the days of Megaupload some sister site of Megavideo did allow porn, I'm sure there has to be some site that allows NSFW video content without much fuss for the users.
Sat, Jul 27 '13, 03:42
Stem_Cell said:
I wonder if there really isn't any site that allows this... In the days of Megaupload some sister site of Megavideo did allow porn, I'm sure there has to be some site that allows NSFW video content without much fuss for the users.

Most likely. But at the same time...even if so, it's probably not the most popular of places. Oddly enough, it seems that the better the idea of something, the less people who know about it. :P
Sat, Jul 27 '13, 04:41
This really is just infuriating me. Seriously
I don't know how to stream videos on a personal website, and my host won't allow nsfw stuff anyway ><
//needs to move if going to do that.
Just.. fuck off... this is really fucking infuriating.
Sat, Jul 27 '13, 04:57
Lunakiri said:
Just.. fuck off...

Already on it!

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