Sun, Jul 21 '13, 23:26
pics that won't post
both on the old site and the new, I occasionally encounter files that won't post at all [not due to duplication, I assure you], and most recently some images that could not be seen by some users - does anyone have any clear sugestions about what I can do about this? I'm not a very tech guy - save as a different sort of image?
Sun, Jul 21 '13, 23:41
Sometimes a pic won't post because it WAS uploaded at one time, but was deleted. So, the dupe detector still rejects it (this is so that people won't keep uploading the same pics that were deleted by moderation). You can usually get around this by either re-saving the pic (load it in an image editor, and use "save as" to make a new file), or if it's a .jpg, you can edit the properties (type a comment on it or something).

Sometimes, the uploader will just refuse to upload a pic for no conceivable reason. These instances are, luckily, few and far between, but they can be worse than the above when they happen. If none of the above works, you can try copying the image, pasting it in an image editor and saving that. Or try saving it in a different format (I once had a manip that refused to post until I changed it from .png to .jpg, and it wasn't even a file size issue).

Also note that REALLY large images (like over 5000x5000 pixels) won't upload and any pic with a file size ~8-9 MB or larger won't either. Any pic not saved in .jpg, .png, or .gif will fail also (I don't believe we have .bmp support).

As for pics being invisible, like what we just had happen, it's some sort of error in uploading. Re-uploading should fix it. On the whole, this error is even rarer than pics that refuse to upload for no reason.
Mon, Jul 22 '13, 10:24
I have a rather vast, poorly sorted collection that I have been gathering for quite a while, and while admittedly most go through, I've gotten at least 2 bad images here, and plenty on the old board - of course, they may not pass the sniff test
Mon, Jul 22 '13, 11:41
I think you just had some bad luck. :P

Granted, there could be a bit of a problem with the booru servers atm. Who knows?
Mon, Jul 22 '13, 19:59
If they wouldn't go through on Hypnochan either, it's possible there may actually be something wrong with the files themselves.
Mon, Jul 22 '13, 21:29
Mindwipe said:
If they wouldn't go through on Hypnochan either, it's possible there may actually be something wrong with the files themselves.

I feel bad for not realizing what he meant by old site until now.

But yes, two completely unrelated image systems with mostly different upload methods? Sounds more like local corruption (aka. the files) rather than a program error.
Tue, Jul 23 '13, 08:37
the only counter that I have is that I can still view them locally
Wed, Jul 24 '13, 07:40
Grim said:
the only counter that I have is that I can still view them locally

Which is a formidable counter, to be fair.

*shrug* Who knows? Nothing can really be done anyway, I suppose.
Fri, Jul 26 '13, 11:53
If you re-save the images the problem should go away. So just open Gimp or another program with the image, and save it again (nevermind incremental JPEG artifacts...).

Other than that, put them on imgur so we can have a look! It's quite weird if it's true.

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