Fri, Jul 19 '13, 08:37
Questioning content
Juniper Lee - too loli?
Fri, Jul 19 '13, 09:21
You can draw a character in any age and body style you want. So, just asking if a character is loli doesn't help. Pics are judged on a case-by-case basis. Is she small and underdeveloped in the pic? If so, then yes, she's too loli.

Edit: also, I'm heading to bed for the night, so I won't be able to verify the loli-ness of the character until I get up tomorrow.
Sat, Jul 20 '13, 06:20
if you give me a time, I'd be happy to post when you'd be on, or even to some other site and then allow you to judge it - might it be possible to set something up for admin eyes only, and then they can verify?
Sat, Jul 20 '13, 07:59
Probably the best thing to do would be upload it elsewhere and throw a link in here. That way, both Vanndril and I can check it, in case it's borderline (we sometimes debate whether borderline images are loli or not). Unfortunately, I don't know of any way to make it for admin eyes only, aside from email, and I'm not sure I want to give out my email address on here.
Sun, Jul 21 '13, 04:07
Mindwipe said:
I'm not sure I want to give out my email address on here.

Well, there are temporary e-mail providers like, but for this kind of thing hosting the image on some place like or (for large gifs) would be better.

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