Wed, Jul 17 '13, 12:08
Lost Old Pic
I lost one of my favorite pictures of hypnosis. I can't find it, but I can remember almost exactly what it said/looked like. It was a pink dragon aspect from World of Warcraft. The text was something along the lines of the hero finding the demon soul and using it to make the dragon aspect do whatever he wanted. Only showed the pink aspect (in human form) with a white background. I miss it :(

Anyone recognize?
Thu, Jul 18 '13, 00:55
...found it >.>
Uhh I found it. I am going to post it, so I can't lose it again :D
Thu, Jul 18 '13, 06:52
You mean post #9862 right?
...How is she pink? XD

Anyway, you caught me off guard there. I made that manip a long time ago without the intent of sharing it. I ended up posting it on Hypnochan once on a whim. Never did I imagine I'd see it still floating around. XD
Fri, Jul 19 '13, 10:26
Yup, that is the one! Idk if she was changed or anything since you made it. Didn't know you made it in the first place, actually. I had it saved somewhere, and I just read what the Demon Soul actually was, and I remembered this picture and wanted to find me. Took me a while before I found where I put the drive that had it >.>

In the comment section of the picture, there was mentioned an Alextrasza version of this picture. If it exists, I would love to see it :)
Fri, Jul 19 '13, 19:19
As mentioned in the comments for that image, I vaguely remember an Alexstrasza version of this image. Literally the same thing, mirrored (across the y axis).

My memory has been known to be relatively unreliable, though. And, if it does exist, I somehow don't have it in my WoW hentai folder for Alexstrasza stuff.

I took a quick glance at Darknest (a site that focuses on Fantasy Erotica as an art community, but coincidentally has a lot of WoW stuff posted directly from the artists) but they seem to have moved/removed their gallery, and I have no more time to look for it atm. I'll look more later, when I get the chance.
Fri, Jul 19 '13, 22:12
Found it. I don't think there was ever a version with JUST Alexstrasza. Once I remembered that, it was easy to find and explains why I didn't find it earlier (I organize my images by character for series that I know of and care about, so having Ysera AND Alex would mean that it wouldn't be in Alex's folder).


Scroll a bit to the right. :P

It lacks the nice pretty background from the original, though. And yes, the Ysera-only one was made first, iirc.

Oh, and it turns out that Darknest uses member galleries now, rather than one gallery split up into artist folders.
Sat, Jul 20 '13, 00:55
Although you'll probably notice it before you notice this message, I remade the manip: post #9899.

Enjoy. :3
Sun, Jul 21 '13, 04:32
Thanks. I love em :D
Sun, Jul 21 '13, 07:59
No problem. ^^
I have a thing for humanoid dragon-people, even if they're only dragon in story and their humanoid form doesn't even resemble a dragon. <3

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