Fri, Jul 12 '13, 07:07
What did I do?
Several posts I've made have disappeared, and while I'm happy to have deleted anything I may post which accidentally breaks a rule, I'm clearly doing something wrong and I'm unsure what - please, elucidate
Fri, Jul 12 '13, 07:12
I flagged one for quality. I assumed you deleted that one on your own. Two others were deleted because because it wasn't really clear there was hypnosis without knowing the source material.

Everything else is still there, they're just hidden because they've been voted down to a score lower than 0.
Fri, Jul 12 '13, 07:19
Mindwipe said:
Two others were deleted because because it wasn't really clear there was hypnosis without knowing the source material.

Unfortunately, no matter HOW POPULAR the show is (and no matter how many know the context), we can't really make exceptions to the rules. Because if we did, then we'd be being bias, and that's never a good thing for mods to do. Mods need to be impartial as much as possible in order to avoid accidental misuse of power.

Mindwipe said:
Everything else is still there, they're just hidden because they've been voted down to a score lower than 0.

* glares at Mindwipe *
Fri, Jul 12 '13, 07:26
ah, good to know - is there an easier way to contact someone? cause the only reason I used the forum was I couldn't see another way to ask you

ok, do I get a counter proposal or something as to why they show hypno? I mean, one was Kaa and Shanti, and she had the swirly kaa eyes, and the other had swirly eyes and a hypno-disc. I can see maybe not every swirly eyed pic making it, but I do think these are hypno beyond reasonable doubt

And yes, I did delete one of my posts when I saw it was flagged, cause as I've said, I don't want to cause any strife, and I could see that the art was not great, and it was a whatever sfw pic at that, so nothing special lost.
Fri, Jul 12 '13, 07:35
Grim said:
ah, good to know - is there an easier way to contact someone? cause the only reason I used the forum was I couldn't see another way to ask you

This is the easiest way, honestly. I'll always check the forums, so I'll see anything that gets posted here.

ok, do I get a counter proposal or something as to why they show hypno? I mean, one was Kaa and Shanti, and she had the swirly kaa eyes, and the other had swirly eyes and a hypno-disc. I can see maybe not every swirly eyed pic making it, but I do think these are hypno beyond reasonable doubt

Those weren't deleted, they're just hidden. You can unhide them by either clicking on the (X Posts Hidden) link on the right side of the page, or by going into your account settings and setting your "Post Threshold" to a large negative number. They'll be automatically unhidden if they're voted up back to 0 or higher (unless you set your threshold higher than 0, that is).
Fri, Jul 12 '13, 07:37

Unfortunately, no matter HOW POPULAR the show is (and no matter how many know the context)

hmmm, thats a bit odd, after all, how do we tell that anything is hypno beyond the shown character declaring "I/you am/are hypnotized"

I mean, there's Poison Ivy, Drakken's shampoo or head chips or emotion device, Mad Hatter, Purple Man, and Kaa to name a few, with mind control being a core aspect of how they work - why is reasonable to say that, given a picture and some context, that those don't constitute MC, but trance like arms out, white out eyes, and haigure swimsuit do?

If I see a card sticking out of someone head and glazed look, I can tell at a glance it's mad hatter mind control. Now, there's still the factors of bad art and manips, people not acting like they're being MC'd, underage and rosvo art for reasons to deny things, but those are all a different issue then the point I'm trying to make here
Fri, Jul 12 '13, 07:43
ok, I have now set my post threshold to -100, and I see them now! Thanks for the quick responses!
Fri, Jul 12 '13, 07:47
Grim said:
hmmm, thats a bit odd, after all, how do we tell that anything is hypno beyond the shown character declaring "I/you am/are hypnotized"

I mean, there's Poison Ivy, Drakken's shampoo or head chips or emotion device, Mad Hatter, Purple Man, and Kaa to name a few, with mind control being a core aspect of how they work - why is reasonable to say that, given a picture and some context, that those don't constitute MC, but trance like arms out, white out eyes, and haigure swimsuit do?

If I see a card sticking out of someone head and glazed look, I can tell at a glance it's mad hatter mind control. Now, there's still the factors of bad art and manips, people not acting like they're being MC'd, underage and rosvo art for reasons to deny things, but those are all a different issue then the point I'm trying to make here

There was no real context to those pics, though. The Ghost Clown was in them, and Daphne was in her circus costume in an obvious throwback to the episode, but there was no pendulum; no empty eyes, spiral eyes, whitewash eyes, or any other type of eyes to indicate hypnosis; no text to give context; nothing, really, to indicate that there was hypnosis involved. Simply because the character is known for hypnotizing people isn't enough. There's plenty of Kaa pics that don't involve hypnosis. Same for Dracula, Hypno, etc.
Fri, Jul 12 '13, 07:48
Hypnosis as a whole is very difficult to portray in art without having an outright hypnotist swinging a pendulum or using another prop. However, there are some tell-tale signs that have become mainstream due to their appearance in, not one or two, but hundreds upon hundreds of anime and western cartoons. These are signs such as sprial-eyes/spiral-props, glowing eyes used in certain ways, unnaturally (for the character) multicolored ring eyes (like Kaa eyes), empty eyes (on characters who's eyes are NOT always empty anyway, that is), whitewash eyes, pendulums, mind control helmets, mind control collars, etc.

It's an awkward situation to be sure. We mods have to look very carefully for signs that an image is hypnosis that don't require knowledge of the specific series a character is or the characters are from.

Granted, it gets REALLY confusing when you go into the topic of real life images. A good 90% of that is expression and pose. The other 10% is props, if there are any in an image.

Grim said:
ok, I have now set my post threshold to -100, and I see them now! Thanks for the quick responses!

Np. We just happened to be on at the same time. :P
Fri, Jul 12 '13, 07:51
hmmm, yes, I suppose I can see that - I was thinking of the one's that were hidden when I posted, but I can see your point with those others - I'll try and make sure they're more clear in the future

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