Wed, Jul 10 '13, 06:49
My Concerns About Femdom and Femsub Work
Hello everyone. I don't post on the forums that often. I apologies for that. It's just that I usually don't have anything important to discuss. I'm not even sure if this is really even remotely important but I thought I'd put it out there.

I'm a fan of femsub content. Regardless of any women's character - if I find her attractive I'll want to see her entranced in some way or another. Now with that said I hope you'll begin to understand my dilemma. Perhaps it's just me but I can't be sure. That's why I'm posting this question to find out for sure, and that it is:

"Am I the only one who feels that the femdom content is of far better quality than most of the femsub content?"

To be fair, I am very picky about my femsub content and I mostly only look for anime images but in particular; I referring to the text barring images throughout the internet.
Most femdom text manips on this site or the collective are just way better written than the femsub ones. Is that just my perception? I feel like they're more in depth in the description and illustrate the psychological aspect of being entranced far better than femsub pics do.
Is it because women are better at describing actions and feelings and thing s of that nature? Or are these stories actually written by men?
I just can't really be sure of any of it. I don't really want to say much more because I might get off of the subject but I really want to know what all of you think.

Is the quality of a femsub content paling to that of femdom content? Has it always been that way?
Wed, Jul 10 '13, 07:22
Femsub content has always outnumbered all others. So, you may just be seeing the averages. Naturally, the most-represented content will have the most "bad" to "meh" content, simply by virtue of having the most content in all.

00* said:
I feel like they're more in depth in the description and illustrate the psychological aspect of being entranced far better than femsub pics do.

Are you speaking mostly about pov manips when you're referring to femdom? By their very nature, those types of manips tend to delve into the psychological nature more than femsub pics (which are very rarely pov). To be honest, any pic that puts the dom front and center tends to focus more on that stuff. Having written both femsub and femdom material, I can say that you definitely have to approach dom-heavy content differently. With sub pics, the focus is on being in control, or watching someone be controlled, if you don't put yourself in the pic. The in depth stuff matters less in this case. For dom-centric works, the focus is reversed. It's about being controlled, or at the very least, making you think about what it would be like to be controlled. They tend to be more descriptive simply because it helps their appeal.

And I can't say how many manips are written by females, but I'd bet you that many, if not most, femdom manips are written by males. After all, the focus of the pics is on a female, and since they're usually sexual in nature, it makes sense that heterosexual men would be the primary viewers (and therefore, likely creators) of the content.

I had a hard time writing that. Maybe it's because I'm tired, but I don't feel it came out nearly as well as I wanted. All I'm trying to say is I think there is some great femsub material (though I suppose it depends on exactly what you want out of the fetish), and that dom-focused pics tend to focus on the psychological aspect more, because it has much more of an impact on them.
Wed, Jul 10 '13, 07:26
In a way, I think you're right. I can't say that femdom has more better quality captions than femsub, but rather, I believe that there is just less sub-par material. Perhaps the ratio of good:bad is different. Since the amount of total content is so drastically different, as well, it could just be a difference in perception, where in truth, both are about the same in average quality.

In any case, given the fact that the only major difference you're considering is whether the image is femdom or femsub, and that difference doesn't overtly explain any sort of difference in average quality, I'm going to have to say that there's a possible correlation but no causation. There are just too many unknown factors to even begin finding any sort of real truth to any of this.

Edit: All that said, Mindwipe brings up an interesting point. Dom-oriented captions, as a whole, delve far deeper into the psychological aspect of things than sub-oriented captions. By the very nature of psychology, any words describing anything related to it must be more detailed than things less psychology-inclined.

Interestingly enough, I'm into femsub (as I'm a dominant guy), and also love the psychological side of hypnofetish. Back when I wrote my earlier caption work, I used to try to focus very heavily on the psychological side of everything while still focusing on the femsub.
Sat, Jul 13 '13, 02:52
Could you provide links to some examples?

Also, what are your feelings on a caption that has both?

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