Wed, Jul 10 '13, 06:29
Corruption of Champions, Text Sex Game
Not sure if this has been mentioned before, or if there's a thread already in place for such things (I can't find it if there is one), but I've recently been introduced to a very well put together erotic text game called Corruption of Champions, link here: . It starts out with some standard character building, then tosses you right into the demon realm . . . and into the waiting arms of an imp, who has already drugged you with a lust potion.

Sex of many varieties ensues from there, but the most MC-relevant I've found yet (outside of the many drug-induced orgies one can discover) is the Office of the Cum Witch in the Sand Witches' desert cave. If you lose to the Cum Witch, you get the most deliciously MC-laden Game Over screen, with your Champion reduced to a brainwashed servant of the Sand Witches for all eternity. Bonus points if you're into lads on the bottom: this Game Over is VERY tastily malesub when you play as a male Champion.

I'm considering drawing scenes from this game, and I thought it was well worth a mention to the hypno.booru community.
Wed, Jul 10 '13, 07:17
I messed around with it once, ages ago. Admittedly, it was not my thing.
Wed, Jul 10 '13, 14:02
I tried playing it once like a year ago, then a few months ago when I found out about the prisoner mod thingamajig. Wasn't particularly fond of it either time. I don't really like the writing in the main game, and the vast array of transformations is kinda baffling. Like, who is even the target audience? People who get off on any kind of transformation at all? That's all I can think of for a game that lets you make a triple-cocked 20-uddered pink-haired cow-creature so easily. It's almost harder to AVOID that than it is to reach it.
Wed, Jul 10 '13, 20:07
Went to check it out... and it's not working XD ol. guess I'll just have to wait
Wed, Jul 10 '13, 21:11
Your link don't work '-'
Thu, Jul 11 '13, 09:34
@ Vanndril and Alien, Yeah, I see where you're coming from, but I find the trial-and-error that much more interesting and fun, even if certain transformations aren't my cuppa joe. That's why I always keep a backup save before I try anything I haven't had previous experience with. There's also a Wiki for keeping track of such things: Which is a massive help.

@Lunakiri and Aiikawa, I found out *today*, much to my dismay, that fenoxo's blog is down, for whatever reason. I have yet to find someone for whom it's worked, as of July 11, even though it was working fine for me until my computer updated itself July 10. Hopefully, it's just down for a site update; I haven't been playing long enough to know whether that's a regular occurrence or not.
Sun, Jul 14 '13, 23:06
Update! Fenoxo's blog is up and running again. Go ahead and try the game now, Lunakiri, Aiikawa.
Mon, Jul 15 '13, 08:37
I dunno. I'm still getting 403 errors. :P
Mon, Jul 15 '13, 09:34
Ok, so here's a question.
what the fuck is the point of doing that? That's one thing I haven't been able to figure out.
Like... what's the goal?
Mon, Jul 15 '13, 09:59
Doing what? Denying access to folders on websites?
Sometimes it's intentional, but when you get that error on the MAIN SITE PAGE, it's USUALLY a bug. :P
Tue, Jul 16 '13, 05:30
Lol, it's working again now. XD

Edit: Here, in case it goes down again before the interested can play the game, I threw it on my new file-sharing host of choice, MEGA:

It's CoC Version 0.7.10c8.
Tue, Jul 16 '13, 07:21
Much appreciated, Vanndril! The site's downloaded version of the game is exactly the same as the in-browser one. Just keep an eye on the blog to see if/when new updates come down the pipeline.
Tue, Jul 16 '13, 11:20
Yeah, I figured that was the case. But I doubt I'll need to update to a newer version anyway. I think they're just having some server issues atm, or are trying to make some changes that keep crashing the site. Once that's done, they should have site stability again.

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