Wed, Jun 19 '13, 22:16
Thinking of Making Manip Tutorials
Hi everyone,

I'll make this one brief. I'm thinking of making manip tutorials for future manippers. They would mostly be focusing on way to alter facial expressions and making different sorts of eye effects. I might make more afterwards about how to change body positions and add props but that's only if people show enough interest in the first tutorials.

That said, all of that depends on how many people are interested in the tutorials to begin with. So I've made this thread to see how many people really want tutorials. If it seems like a lot of people are interested then I'll begin right away. Otherwise, I'll just forget about it and delete this thread.
Thu, Jun 20 '13, 05:21
Well, that's kind of silly, imo. I mean, the point of making tutorials is so that someone can find them useful LATER. I imagine that anyone truly interested in learning how to do something with a manip would just ask, if they are around now.

In other words, this probably isn't a project you should try to judge interest in beforehand. Tutorials are great because they last through the ages, and fulfill the demand for them as they pop up over time.
Thu, Jun 20 '13, 05:44
Well, I'm interested, for what it's worth.
Thu, Jun 20 '13, 16:47
That's actually well put, Vanndril. I guess it can be easy for me to lose faith in the possibility that anyone would ever e interested in something like manipping if people don't seem to already care. I guess sometimes you have to care more about the possibilities of what you want than the odds of it actually happening, since the odds themselves might not even be what you think and even be influenced by ones optimism.

So I guess I'll make the tutorial regardless. At least I know there's one person interested. Thanks petal.
Fri, Jun 21 '13, 03:33
I'd be interested. Definitely =)
Tue, Jun 25 '13, 21:04
I too will be very interested and thank you in advance for taking the time to do this.
Wed, Jun 26 '13, 16:31
Why not approach the #Hypno-Manipulations group on DeviantArt?

It'd give you a great forum for your message, and the artists there are all still learning the craft: they could benefit immensely from learning the tricks of a manipping pro like yourself.
Wed, Jun 26 '13, 23:23
I think he looked into that once, but realized that DeviantArt wasn't supposed to host manipulations, so he became hesitant. Pretty sure it's against some unenforced rule or something like that.
Thu, Jun 27 '13, 02:02
Yes, it's more or less as Vanndril said. DeviantArt has rules against manips. While I wouldn't mind posting my edits, it sort of seems like it might be a problem if someone comes a long and assumes I'm stealing from. I'm not sure if I can by pass it by simply giving credit or not. If so it would still be somewhat of a challenge trying to fin all the artists but I'd do it. I just don't want it to become like Youtube and abriged series. That would just frustrate me after awhile. I might try it eventually anyway just to see what it might be like and if others might benefit from it, or vice versa.
Thu, Jun 27 '13, 02:20
Looking at the dA policies, you're not wrong.

Even so, there's a crowd of people doing just that, and there's no reason you would have to post any manips there: simply let them know about your tutorials, link to here, and ask them to post their creations here or on the collective or somewhere.

Alternately, to steer clear of violating any DeviantArt rules, your tutorials could use royalty-free images, or somesuch. Should be plenty out there.

I'm sure there's a lot of people watching the group who would be interested in what you have to teach.
Thu, Jun 27 '13, 02:53
Or even better I could write a story and use that. I think that's what I'll do. Thanks BluRider.
Thu, Jun 27 '13, 07:09
Lost+Name said:
Or even better I could write a story and use that. I think that's what I'll do. Thanks BluRider.

I'm glad you figured out what to do, even if I have no idea what you mean. XD
Thu, Jun 27 '13, 07:20
Once upon a time, a boy wanted to make hypnofetish porn. So, he opened an image in GIMP and selected the smudge tool...
Thu, Jun 27 '13, 07:24
Mindwipe said:
Once upon a time, a boy wanted to make hypnofetish porn. So, he opened an image in GIMP and selected the smudge tool...

Yup, that's what I was thinking. XD
Beyond that, you lost me, MMD.
Wed, Jul 10 '13, 04:36
Even if there is not much demand for it at the moment you never know whos gonna google something like that later in the future, do it.
Hell we should make a thread where all the manippers can share tutorials or explain how they achieved their products. I was thinking of making a tutorial too but I don't have the time or post enough on here to go through with it.

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